Life changes under lockdown for Britain's largest park home estate.
Published: 15th May, 2020
Residents of Kings Park Village have been keeping in touch with friends and relatives by using Zoom, as well as taking part in activities like bingo and quizzes.
Recently taken over by Cove Communities, staff introduced a new football-style window card system with green saying 'self isolating' and red meaning 'need help'.
Rob Turner, head of the residential division said: “There is an active Facebook group. We teach them how to use Zoom to speak with their families. They video themselves doing the clapping [for NHS workers] on a Thursday and we do Zoom quizzes. Some have also got the hang of Facetime. We showed them through their window how to use it".
"They are quite receptive to it. It has been fun and the mood is really good as they are coping really well. They don't need to leave the park".
Mr Turner said that they worked with a specialist to put the park into semi lockdown and had sent letters to all the residents advising them to self isolate, stop non essential deliveries and visitors and we also upped security on people coming on to the park.
One resident said he had been finding lots of jobs to do and all the outside of his home is cleaned and jet washed. We stick to the lockdown rigidly, so there is no need to go off site. We get everything delivered and you can see from our Facebook page the community spirit here and the volunteers that help, there is good morale.
It's the best move I have ever made!