Park homes for sale and rent in the UK

Why should you use a specialist lawyer to buy a park home

Published: 18th November, 2024

Why should you use a specialist Lawyer to buy a Park Home?

The park home lifestyle appeals to many, especially those looking to downsize. If you are reading this, chances are you are probably considering, or are already in the process of, buying a park home and joining this welcoming community.

You may not have considered the importance of getting independent legal advice before spending a large amount of money (probably from the sale of your house, your greatest asset). This article will provide you with 6 reasons why specialist legal advice is important for you:

1. Relief from stress

We all know that buying a new home is a big life change, and can often be a stressful experience. Having someone "on your side" to guide you through the complexities of the legal process can make all the difference. Having a qualified lawyer carefully review your paperwork and point out any potential issues will give you the peace of mind you need.

2. Potential pitfalls

Without legal advice, you might not be aware of potential pitfalls, such as incorrect and/or incomplete paperwork and unclear costs. A lawyer experienced in this area of law can help you spot these issues and help you resolve these, if at all possible.

3. Understanding the contract

Given the substantial amount of money you'll be spending on your home, it is prudent to have a qualified lawyer review the terms and conditions that will apply to you. This will help you avoid potential problems or surprises down the road and provide the clarity you need before making your final decision.

The contract will contain both express and implied terms. The express terms outline obligations, such as paying the pitch fee (commonly referred to as the ground rent) and utility fees. In contrast, the implied terms are contractual provisions stipulated under the legislation, ensuring certain rights and protections are afforded to you.

4. Avoiding litigation

As with any purchase, if you fail to undertake the necessary due diligence, this may be a costly affair in the future. Forewarned is forearmed. You probably would want to avoid being involved in protracted, costly, time-consuming litigation, which could be avoided by instructing a specialist lawyer at the outset.

5. Specific guidance

A specialist park home lawyer can help you navigate the practical considerations involved in your park home purchase journey. For instance, they will perform the necessary checks to ensure the site you wish to purchase has the correct licensing and planning permission. This expert guidance will prepare you for any future implications that may affect your family or partner.

6. Government guidance

Finally, like any other home purchase, buying a park home is a major commitment. “You are, therefore, strongly advised to take advice from a…professional - independent from the seller or site owner - when buying a home.”  The Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government.


Investing in a park home represents a significant financial commitment. Seeking independent legal advice from a specialist is essential to ensure your experience is positive, informed, and free from unnecessary complications. Park Homes law is only dealt with by a handful of lawyers in the country.

Courtesy: Ibraheem Dulmeer at Park Homes Law

The information provided in this article serves as useful guidance. Please note that this is not intended to be comprehensive and should not be taken in place of specific legal advice.  This material should not be replicated without the author’s consent. Ibraheem Dulmeer © 2024