Alvanley Park
Near Frodsham, Cheshire These details were last updated on 21st December 2022Alvanley Park is a residential park home estate set in the glorious rolling Cheshire countryside on the perimeter of the pretty village of Alvanley.
Park Rules
Alvanley Park | Park Rules
The main purpose of these park rules is to ensure that park owners can provide a framework to allow all residents individual privacy, standards and comfort without interference from any other resident and that any development is controlled to the mutual benefit of all.
- Residents must be over 50
- Children are not allowed to reside on the park but grand children are permitted for short holidays
- Dogs are not allowed to reside on the park but cats are allowed.
- All the requests by residents for charges to the home, shed boundaries, or pitch should be in writing with appropriate plans showing measurements. All approvals (which will not be unreasonably withheld) or refusals by the park owners must also be in writing. Verbal agreements or failure to request approval will have no status (requiring the property to be returned to its original state at the expense of the resident) unless and until approved in writing.
- Homes must always be in a sound, clean condition, decorated externally every three years and maintained within the original colour scheme (cream variation) when purchased. No external structural alteration or addition will be permitted without the approval of the park owners and must be within the conditions laid down by the local licensing authority. However, any reasonable request should not be unreasonably refused.
- No home shall be used to accommodate a number of persons in excess of the number of berths installed by the manufactures.
- Residents are responsible for the cleanliness of the pitch and home and all grassed areas within their pitch cut and maintained regularly. The underneath of the homes should be kept clear at all times and certainly should not be used to store combustible materials.
- Homes should have appropriate and adequate insurance cover at times and evidence of insurance should be provided to the park owners upon request.
- Electrical installations, smoke detection systems, carbon monoxide systems and gas appliances should be regularly maintained by qualified tradesmen and meet the standards required by the appropriate regulatory bodies. All systems must be tested and certificated in accordance with the requirements of the residents’ insurance policy.
- Musical instruments, radios, televisions and other appliances should not be so loud as to cause nuisance to neighbours, especially between the hours of 10pm to 8am Residents who wish to arrange a private party, barbeque or special event should have consideration for others and out of courtesy clear it with neighbours.
- The speed limit is ten miles per hour and all residents, visitors, delivery companies and contractors must observe this. Residents must hold a current driving licence and be insured to drive any vehicle on the park and must insure any vehicle driven on the park is taxed in accordance with the law and is in a roadworthy condition. Discussed or un-roadworthy vehicles must not be kept anywhere on the park. We reserve the right to remove any vehicle which apparently abandoned. On no account should residents or their visitors drive on the park whilst under the influence of drink to the extent that they would not comply with UK drink driving laws. Any contraventions should be reported to the park owners particularly in cases of persistent abuse.
- The licencing authority has approved a maximum of two cars per driveway and residents should ensure they and their visitors use the driveway in the first instance. Visitor bays are for visitors and can only be used by residents temporarily where driveways are temporarily inaccessible. On no account should vehicles be parked on the roadway, verges, any other residents’ pitch without their approval or in any vacant plot
- Residents are responsible for the behaviour of their personal visitors or visiting grandchildren.
- All sheds or replacement sheds must be of non-combustible material and located in accordance with the local authority rules. Other than where consent has already been given for more than one shed/storage, all homes should have only one shed, the design, standard, size and location must be approved in writing to ensure local authority compliance.
- Leylandii trees or similar are not to be placed at all and large trees require the park owner’s written consent. Trees should not be pruned or taken out without the park owner’s permission.
- Refuse must be deposited in approved local authority containers which must not be over filled and must be kept out of sight until the day of the routine collection.
- Access or use of vacant plots is not allowed.
- All homes should have an approved fire extinguisher(s) which must be regularly maintained and certificated and fit for purpose.
- Park extinguishers should only be used in emergencies and park water points should not be used by residents for personal use.
- No unauthorised signs are to be erected.
- Residents must not use the park home, the pitch or the park (or any part of the park) for any business purpose, and must not use the park home or the pitch for storage of stock, plant, machinery or equipment for any business purpose. Other than for delivering goods and services and the park owners vehicles used for the purposes of park management and maintenance, parking of commercial or light goods vehicles is not allowed. However, residents are at liberty to work individually from home by carrying out any office work of a type which does not create nuisance to other residents and does not involve other staff, other workers, customers or members of the public at the park homer or the park.
- Residents or their visitors are prohibited to carry offensive weapons or other objects likely to cause offence and all residents should conduct themselves with due regard to neighbours, visitors and park contractors.
- Residents should ensure free passage around their home for emergency services etc.
- Residents should ensure that their litter is picked up and disposed of properly
- Residents are reminded to follow the statutory process when selling their home.
- The park owners do not accept any liability whatsoever for loss or damage to the residents or their visitors property.
Approved and lodged with Cheshire West and Chester Council 3 December 2014.
Park Home Living Disclaimer:
Park rules have been downloaded from the relevant licensing authority and were correct at the time of publishing. Uploaded Date: 2nd July 2021
Licensing Authority
Cheshire West and Chester Council
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