Castle Grange Park
Doxey, Staffordshire These details were last updated on 20th December 2022Castle Grange Park is a pet friendly residential park home estate for the over 50's. Interested? Please mention Park Home Living when giving them a call.
Castle Grange Park | Park Rules
The following site rules are intended to insure that acceptable standards are maintained on the park for the benefit of residents generally, and to promote and maintain community cohesion on the park.
These rules form part of the occupation agreement between the park owner and each resident living on the park, and must be followed to ensure that good order is maintained on the park at all times for the benefit of all occupiers.
These rules will not have retrospective effect, meaning that they will only apply from the date on which they take effect. No occupier who is in occupation on that date will be in breach of these rules by reason of any circumstances known to the park owner which were in existence on that date and which would not have been a breach of the previous park rules.
With the exception of rules 13, 17, 18, 38 and 40, these rules also apply to the park owner, any employee of the park owner, or any family members of the park owner or his employees, where such persons live on the park.
In these rules:
"occupier" means anyone who occupies a park home on the park, whether under an agreement to which the Mobile Homes Act 1983 (as amended) agreement;
"you" and "your" means the occupier or occupiers of a park home on the park; and
"we", "us" and "our" means the park owner.
The Pitch
- You are responsible for the cleanliness of your pitch and private gardens, parking spaces, patios brickwork and the like must be kept in a clean, neat and tidy condition.
- You are responsible for ensuring that your pitch is maintained in a safe and accessible condition at all times. Clothes lines must be of a rotary design and situated at the rear of the home wherever possible.
- Fences, hedges, walls, gates and any other boundary structure are not allowed other than those in existing positions. Fences, sheds, decking, etc., where permitted, should be maintained in a sound condition and should be treated with a suitable decorative treatment at least once every two years, and if any of these items fall into a state of disrepair they must be replaced or removed. Replacement of existing fences, hedges, walls, gates and any other boundary structures must be of a type, colour, height and position as those they are replacing so far as is reasonably possible. In consideration to all residents, grass cutting should not take place before 10.30am on Sundays. No fencing, walls, shrubs or bushes are to be erected or planted along the perimeter of a pitch which adjoins or fronts walkways between the homes or the roadway through the park. Where shrubs or bushes are planted in gardens they should be trimmed to 1 (one) metre in height and not protrude over the pitch boundary on to the road or walkways.
All grassed/turfed areas must be retained and maintained. The use of artificial grass/turf is not allowed.
Access ramps, where applicable, must be of a design, material and construction that is approved by the Local Authority Department responsible. As far as possible access ramps must not prevent all round access to the park home.
- Storage of materials, whether open or covered, other than garden furniture and flower tubs or planters, is not permitted on the pitch unless inside a shed.
- For health and safety reasons you may not store any items underneath your home at any time.
- For the safety of occupiers, bonfires, paraffin heaters, incinerators, pyrotechnics or other external fires are not permitted on the park other than barbecues.
- You or your guests must not damage, remove or interfere with any equipment, property, flora or fauna on the park which is owned by us or any third party.
- You must ensure that your visitors comply with the park rules and the site license conditions, and do not do anything on the park which may cause a nuisance to us or to others.
The mobile home.
- No extension of, or structural alteration to, the exterior of the mobile home is permitted. No trades can commence work of any description on Castle Grange Park, internally or externally, without providing the Park management with a copy of their indemnity liability insurance.
- If you wish to carry out improvements to your home or pitch you must make a written request to us in advance, setting out the details of the proposed improvements along with plans/sketches of the proposed improvements. No improvements may be carried out to the pitch or the exterior of the home without our prior written permission, which will not be unreasonably withheld. Where work, internally or externally, to include underground and above ground electrical, telephone, sewerage and water conduits and cabling, is carried out by a non-insured ie: a member of the park home owners family or any person employed by the park home owner. The home owner must sign an agreement with the park owner or their agent/manager accepting full responsibility for any damage caused to Castle Grange Park due to the carrying out of said work.
- You must maintain the exterior of your park home in a clean and tidy condition. Where the exterior is re-painted or re-textured, you must use reasonable endeavours not to depart from the original exterior finish or colour scheme and any exterior painted surfaces must be re-painted at least once every three years. Upvc cladding, or similar products, are not to be used to re clad the exterior of the mobile home, with the exception of soffits and fascias.
- You must maintain your home in a sound state of repair and condition (including being capable of movement from one place to another without undue risk of damage) at all times. The home should comply with the statutory definition of a caravan/mobile home at all times.
- Sub-letting of your mobile home is not permitted and lodgers or paying guests are not allowed.
Sheds and other structures.
- Any shed erected on the pitch must be constructed of non-combustible materials and must be of proprietary make and manufactured off site. Sheds cannot be constructed of materials brought to site separately other than purpose manufactured sheds in kit form. Sheds must comply with the conditions of the site license and fire safety requirements. Sheds must not be positioned so as to impede a clear route around the mobile home.
- No more than 1 (one) storage shed per pitch or one bunker is allowed. Where the individual home owner or their appointed agent sources the shed, the design, standard and size of the shed must be relayed to the park owners and/or their agent/manager in writing and approval, also in writing, received prior to the shed being sited. No shed which exceeds 8 feet in length, 6 feet in width and 7 feet in height will be permitted. It is your responsibility to ensure that your shed is adequately maintained and kept in a clean and tidy condition at all times.
(Approval will not be withheld or delayed unreasonably).
- You are responsible for the disposal of your household waste, including garden and recyclable waste. Waste must be deposited in suitable bins or containers which must be left in the correct position for collection by the local authority on the appropriate day. Bins and containers should be stored out of view at all times other than on collection days. Garden waste should not be disposed of on the park.
No flammable material is to be kept on the park. The exception to this rule is reasonable quantities for domestic use. This rule does not apply to the park owners, their agent/manager, families and employees where it is necessary to retain such materials for park maintenance.
Business activities.
- You are not permitted to carry on any business activities from the park home, the pitch or any other part of the park, and you must not use the pitch, the park home or the park for the storage of stock, plant, machinery or equipment used or intended for any business purpose. You may work individually from home by carrying out any office work of a type which does not create a nuisance to other occupiers and does not involve other staff, other workers, customers or members of the public calling at the park home or the park. Child minding on a regular basis, paid or unpaid is not permitted.
Age limit.
- No person under the age of 50 years (with the exception of the park owner, agent/ managers, family, employees and members of employees' family) is permitted to live on the park.
- You may allow relatives and friends under this age to stay over on an occasional basis for holiday purposes, but for no more than two weeks in any given calendar month with the same person not staying for more than a cumulative period in excess of 6 weeks in any calendar year.
- In the event of a resident of the park being diagnosed with a serious illness or disability, an exception to rule 24 may be made for a suitable carer below the age of 50 years to stay over for longer periods. Upon recovery from the illness or the resident being cared for moving from the park, for whatever reason, the carer must vacate the home. Proof may be required in some circumstances.
Noise nuisance.
- Musical instruments, music players, other appliances, must not be used in such a way as may cause a nuisance or disturbance to others, particularly between the hours of 10.30 p.m. and 8.00 a.m.
- The playing of outdoor games on the road or other resident's pitches is prohibited. All visiting children must be supervised at all times, while outdoors and must not behave in a manner likely to cause nuisance to other residents of the park.
- You may not keep any pet or animal on the park except for the following,
- Not more than 1 dog. Dogs must be kept under proper control and on a leash maximum length 1 metre, while on the park, and must not be permitted to upset or cause a nuisance to other users of the park. Dogs must not despoil the park, and you are responsible for disposing safely and hygienically of any waste. No dogs of a breed which is subject to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 or similar legislation are permitted on the park.
- Not more than 1 domestic cat. Cats must not be permitted to upset or cause a nuisance to other users of the park, and must not despoil the park.
- In addition to the above you may keep up to 2 other pets which are securely housed in a cage, which is kept inside the park home at all times.
- Any new resident moving to the park may bring up to 1 dog and/or cat which are already in their ownership with them.
- These rules do not have retrospective effect. If you were permitted to keep a pet on the park under the previous rules you will not be treated as being in breach when these rules take effect. However, when the pet dies or leaves the park it can only be replaced if this would comply with these rules.
- Nothing in these rules prevents you from keeping an assistance dog if this is required to support your disability and Assistance Dogs UK or any successor body has issued you with an Identification Book or other appropriate evidence of requirement.
- You must take appropriate steps to safeguard your external water pipes against damage or bursting from the effects of frost. You are responsible for maintaining the visible pipework and cables within your pitch along with any cable, duct, pipe or the like beneath your home from the point where it leaves the concrete base, at all times.
- You must not discharge any materials which may result in the park's drains or sewers becoming blocked. Any costs incurred by us unblocking the drains or sewers as a result will be charged to the occupier(s) involved.
Vacant pitches.
- Access to vacant pitches by occupiers, their visitors or their guests is not permitted and the park owner accepts no responsibility for occupiers or their guests who ignore this rule. It is your duty to make your visitors and guests aware of this. You nor your visitors or guests should tamper with or move any building materials, plant or machinery. You must not do anything, or place anything on your pitch which might compromise the owner's ability to position a mobile home onto a vacant pitch next to your pitch and a concrete base on a vacant pitch should be regarded as being the position of a mobile home when you are working out distances with regards the spacing requirements or any other requirement of the site license conditions.
Vehicles and parking.
- Each household on the park is permitted to keep a maximum of up to 2 vehicles on the park, but only where parking is available. A motorcycle counts as 1 vehicle.
- Vehicles must not be parked on lawns.
- Parking is only permitted in the spaces permitted in the spaces provided and nowhere else on the park.
- All vehicles must be driven on the park safely and with due care and attention, and drivers must obey the stated speed limit on the park which is 5mph.
- Roads must be kept clear at all times for access by emergency vehicles.
- As required by law, all vehicles driven by or on behalf of occupiers on the park must be taxed, insured and in a roadworthy condition, and driven only by persons who are insured to drive them, with a valid MOT and who hold a valid driving license to drive the type of vehicle being driven.
- Abandoned or un-roadworthy vehicles or vehicles with no valid road fund license or mot certificate, proof of which may be required by the park owner, must not be kept or used on the park and we may take appropriate steps to remove such vehicles from the park. All costs for such removals will be passed to the vehicle owner.
- Major maintenance of vehicles, including dismantling of the whole or parts of the engine, or any works involving the removal of oil or other fluids, is not permitted on the park except for minor emergency repairs.
- Other than for delivering goods and services, you must not park or allow the parking of commercial vehicles of any sort on the park, including.(a) light commercial or light goods vehicles as described in the vehicle taxation legislation, and (b) vehicles intended for domestic use, but which are derived or adapted from such a commercial vehicle. The exception to this rule is commercial vehicles operated by the park owner, agent/manager their respective immediate families or anyone employed by the above of Castle Grange Park.
- No caravans or campervans are allowed on Castle Grange Park, the exception to the rule is the park owners, their agent/management.
- Touring caravans, boats, trailers and camper vans are not allowed on the park, except for a maximum of 24 hours to allow for cleaning/provisioning prior to any excursion, provided that this does not breach any of the conditions of the park's site license conditions.
Fire precautions.
- It is forbidden to tamper with or to interfere with any of the fire-fighting equipment on the park. Fire point equipment must only be used in case of emergency.
- All park homes on the park must be equipped with appropriate interior fire-fighting equipment which conforms to the relevant British Standard. You are responsible for ensuring your fire-fighting equipment is maintained in good working order.
- All occupiers should familiarize themselves with any information provided about the procedures to be adopted in case of fire.
Park Home Living Disclaimer:
Park rules have been downloaded from the relevant licensing authority and were correct at the time of publishing. Uploaded Date: 10th August 2021
Licensing Authority
Stafford Borough Council
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