Elm Tree Avenue Res Park
Clevedon, Somerset These details were last updated on 18th November 2020Elm Tree Avenue Res Park is a residential park home estate in Clevedon, Somerset currently showing on Park Home Living as a complimentary entry with a contact telephone number.
Elm Tree Avenue Res Park | Park Rules
In these rules
"occupier" means anyone who occupies a park home, whether under an Agreement to which the Mobile Homes Act 1983 applies or under a tenancy or any other agreement.
"you" and "your" refers to the homeowner or other occupier of a park home "we" and "our" refers to the park owner
These rules are in place to ensure acceptable standards are maintained on the park, which will be of general benefit to occupiers, and to promote and maintain community adhesion. They form part of the Agreement by which homeowners occupy the pitch in accordance with the Mobile Homes Act 1983 as amended.
With one exception the rules also apply to any occupiers of park homes who rent their home.
The only rule which does not apply to occupiers who rent their home is rule 39 about the colour of the exterior of the home, as someone renting their home would not be responsible for exterior maintenance.
None of these rules is to have retrospective effect. Accordingly:
- they are to apply only from the date on which they take effect, which is 9th January 2014 and
- no occupier who is in occupation on that date will be treated as being in breach due to circumstances which were in existence on that date and which would not have been a breach of the rules in existence before that date
These rules also apply (for so long as they live on the park) to the park owner and any employees, with the exception of the following rules.
Condition of the Pitch
1. For reasons of ventilation and safety you must keep the underneath of your home clear and not use it as a storage space.
2. Fences or other means of enclosure to the front of pitches l,7,12,12a,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25 as they adjoin the park road are prohibited. Front fencing, if absolutely essential for these pitches, and not otherwise, shall be no further forward towards the road than the front elevation of the home in the interests of park amenity and appearance.
3. You must not erect fences or other means of enclosure to side or rear boundaries (and for pitches 2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11 front boundaries as well) in the absence of obtaining our prior written consent and approval (which will not be unreasonably withheld).
4. It is needful for us to take account of the following issues when considering applications for consent and conditions may be imposed on consents when it is essential to do so:
- Fire Risk assessments;
- Legal boundary ownerships;
- Site Licence provisions;
- Terms of occupation agreements;
- Site amenity issues;
- Underground and overhead utility services
5. You must not have external fires, including incinerators and barbeques.
6. You must not keep flammable substances on the park except in quantities reasonable for domestic use
7. You must not keep explosive articles or substances in your home, on your pitch or in the park.
8. You must not have more than one approved storage shed on the pitch.
9. You must not have any storage receptacle on the pitch other than an approved shed and any receptacles for the storage of domestic waste pending collection by the local authority.
10. You are responsible for the disposal of all household, recyclable and garden waste in approved containers through the local authority service. You must not overfill containers and must place them in the approved position for the local authority collections.
11. You must not deposit any waste or rubbish, other than in local authority approved containers, on any part of the park or neighbouring land (including any individual pitch)
Business Activities
12. You must not use the park home, the pitch or the park (or any part of them)for any business purpose, and you must not use the park home or the pitch for the storage of stock, plant, machinery or equipment used or last used for any business purpose.
Age of Occupants
13. No person under the age of 58 years may reside in a park home on the park with the exception of the park owner and or a park warden and their respective families.
Noise Nuisance
14. You must not use musical instruments, all forms of recorded music players, radios, televisions, other similar appliances and motor vehicles so as to cause a nuisance to other occupiers, especially between the hours of 10.30pm and 8am.
15. You must not keep any pets or animals except as follows:
- Not more than two dogs (other than any of the breeds subject to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 which are not permitted at all).
- You must keep any dog under proper control and you must not permit it to frighten other users of the park or cause nuisance of any kind
- You must keep any dog on a leash not exceeding lm in length and must not allow it to despoil the park or pitch
- Not more than 1 domestic cat.
- You must keep any cat under proper control and must not permit it to frighten other users of the park or to despoil the park or pitch.
- Not more than 1 budgerigar which you must keep within the park home at all times.
Note: The express terms of a your agreement of occupation, contains an undertaking on your part not to cause a nuisance, inconvenience or disturbance to us or other occupiers at the park and this undertaking extends to the behaviour of pets and animals. A similar requirement not to cause a nuisance applies to tenants and again this includes the behaviour of pets and animals.
Note: These rules do not have retrospective effect. If the keeping of the pet(s) complied with the previous rules, an occupier will not be treated as being in breach when these rules take effect. However, when the pet(s) die or depart the park, the replacement of the animals must conform to these rules
Additional Pet Rules
16. A new homeowner may come onto the park with not more than two dogs and two cats, (other than a dog of any of the breeds subject to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991) which they already own and may keep them for as long as they wish but following the demise of the said dogs and cats or any one of them, ownership of further dogs/cats must comply with rule 15 hereof..
17. Nothing in rule 15 of these park rules prevents you from keeping an assistance dog if this is required to support your disability and Assistance Dogs UK or any successor body has issued you with an Identification Book or other appropriate evidence that you have duly produced to the park owner for inspection and verification.
18. You must only use fire point hoses or fire extinguishers in case of fire.
19. You hold responsibility for all water pipes in and under your home. You must protect these pipes from potential frost damage by diligently and sufficiently lagging them in order to prevent potential for burst pipes, and loss of metered water.
Utility Services
20. You must have your own gas and electricity installations and equipment inspected by duly qualified Gas Safe and NICEIC inspectors at intervals of their recommendation, and obtain and retain at all times their current formal Certificates of due competence and compliance.
21. Where such inspections reveal that the installation or equipment is dangerous, defective or no longer complies with the regulations you must within one month, instruct such inspectors to carry out appropriate remedial works.
22. Upon request, you must produce to us such Certificates for copying and return.
Reason: Your home is connected to and is dependent upon a gas and electricity supply infrastructure in our ownership and for which we hold responsibility.
23. You must not, on any premise whatsoever, interfere with our or the mains supply of electricity and equipment serving the park
24. You must not, on any premise whatsoever, interfere with our supply of water and sewerage serving the park
25. You must not, on any premise whatsoever, interfere with our supply of gas and equipment serving the park
Foul drainage
26. You must not, on any premise whatsoever, do or allow to be done, anything which risks harm being caused to our foul drainage infrastructure serving the park.
Vehicles and parking
27. You must drive all vehicles on the park carefully and within the displayed speed limit and you are responsible for ensuring that your visitors to likewise.
28. You must not park more than 1 vehicle in the park
29. You must not park on the roads or grass verges in the park or permit your visitors to do likewise.
30. You must not park anywhere except on your pitch ( if in possession of our written consent to do so) or otherwise, in the car parks provided and you must ensure your visitors do likewise.
31. Other than for delivering goods and services, you must not park or allow parking or use of commercial vehicles of any sort on the park, including :
- light commercial or light good vehicles as described in the vehicle taxation legislation and
- vehicles intended for domestic use but derived from or adapted from such a commercial vehicle
(with the exception of commercial vehicles operated by or on behalf of the park owner and/or park warden and their families).
32. You must not park motorhomes, touring caravans or trailers on the park (with the exception of such vehicles owned or operated by or on behalf of the park owner or park warden and their families)
33. You must not park or ride motorcycles of any kind on the park
34. You must hold a current driving licence and be insured to drive a vehicle brought into the park. You must also ensure that any vehicle you drive on the park is taxed in accordance with the requirements of the law and is in a roadworthy condition.
35. Disused or unroadworthy vehicles must not be kept anywhere on the park. We reserve right to remove any vehicle which is apparently abandoned
36. You must not carry out the following works or repairs on the park:
- major vehicles repairs involving dismantling of parts of the engine
- works which involve the removal of oil or other fuels
37. You must not use or display guns, firearms and offensive weapons (including crossbows)on the park and you may only keep them on the pitch or in your home if you hold the appropriate licence and they are securely stored in accordance with the terms of that licence.
External Decorations
38. You must maintain your park home and pitch in a clean and tidy condition.
39. Where the exterior of your park home is repainted or recovered you must use reasonable endeavours not to depart from the original exterior colour-scheme.
40. You are responsible for the contents of your home, pitch outbuildings and storage vessels.
41. You must ensure that:
- your home at all times complies with the statutory definition of a "mobile home" set out in the Mobile Homes Act 1983 (or any definition that may subsequently amend or supersede it) and
- your home is maintained at all times in a condition whereby it is capable of being moved from one pitch on the site to another and wheels must not be removed from the home or any porch
42. You must not, without our prior written consent in writing (which will not be unreasonably withheld) carry out any of the following :
- building works to your home or the base or the pitch except any repairs or maintenance carried out by you in accordance with your legal obligation to maintain;
- the erection of any porches, sheds, garages, outbuildings, or other structures;
- paving or hard landscaping, including the formation of a pond;
- planting, felling, lopping, topping or pruning of any trees ;
- the erection of any pole, mast, wire, dish or communications receiving equipment.
43. We must retain right to issue conditional consents when necessary to do so in order to discharge duties invested in us. Amongst the issues needful of our attention are :
- the weight of any proposed works and their likely effect (if any)on the home,
- the pitch and the base on which the home is stationed;
- site licence provisions;
- fire risk assessments;
- legal boundary ownerships
- site amenity issues
- terms of occupation agreements
- underground and overhead utilities services
44. You must not trespass onto vacant pitches or adjoining or adjacent lands for any purposes
45. Clothes lines are not permitted. Rotary lines only are to be used and sited to the rear of the park home to shield them from view from the park roads. This provision is designed to protect the visual amenity of the park for common benefit and advantage.
46. Visiting children must not play on the park roads or car parks and must be supervized at all times by a responsible occupier.
47. Minors are not permitted to reside on the Park.
48. Subletting in whole or in part and the taking of lodgers is prohibited
49. You must not plant coniferous shrubs, trees or bushes on your pitch
Reason: Fire risk assessment.
Park Home Living Disclaimer:
Park rules have been downloaded from the relevant licensing authority and were correct at the time of publishing. Uploaded Date 15th November 2020
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