Glenhaven Residential Park
Helston, Cornwall These details were last updated on 4th December 2024Glenhaven Park is a pet friendly residential park home estate for the over 50's. Interested? Please mention Park Home Living when giving them a call.
Glenhaven Residential Park | Park Rules
Park rules for Glenhaven Park
Hilden park homes Residential park rules
England 2019
The following rules of occupation are for the good management of the park and the benefit of all who use them. These rules form part of the agreement which by you occupy your pitch in accordance with the mobile homes act 1983 and referred to in part IV express tern-is of agreement, paragraph 3(i)
The rules have not been compiled to place unnecessary restrictions on residents but rather to ensure that they may live peacefully in unspoilt surroundings. As park home residents live in close proximity with other residents than house-dwellers, certain rules have to be complied in the resident's interest, others are necessary to preserve visual amenities of the park. We are sure that provided the rules are accepted in the right spirit our parks will continue to be happy communities.
- Homes must be kept in sound and clean condition, decoration and external colours must be maintained to the satisfaction of the company. Wheels must not be removed, nor the home repositioned without permission. No external alterations or addition to the home or pitch is permitted without prior written permission from the company.
- The occupier must insure the home.
- Occupiers will maintain the plot allocated in a tidy condition, free from litter and refuse. The underneath of each home is to be kept absolutely clear and not used as storage. This will enable the company to comply with the conditions attached to the site license issued by the local authority. Gardens which are not cultivated or kept tidy will be taken over by the company and the occupier will be charged for the cost of the maintenance necessary.
- The planting of trees and shrubs is subject to the company's approval as to variety and position. They must not be permitted to grow to a size and shape as to cause offence to a neighbour. Existing trees and shrubs may not be cut down or removed or damaged without the permission of the company and gardens must be left intact when the occupier vacates the pitch.
- Fences are not to be erected except with the written permission from the company. Existing fences which fall into disrepair must be removed and not replace other that the written consent of the company. Boundary hedges must not be interfered with and no unauthorised entrance to the park are permitted.
- The park home may only be used by the occupier and members of his permanent household and bona fide guests. Occupiers will be held responsible at all times for their household guests. The number of persons occupying the park home shall not exceed the number for which the home was designed for. Sub-letting is not permitted.
- No commercial enterprise or business activities may take place on the park without prior written permission of the company. If permission is granted it may also require the occupier to obtain approval from the appropriate authority. Businesses also include the overhaul and repair of vehicles, mobile, retail vans e.g... Grocery, fast food.
- Occupiers shall at all times conduct themselves with due regard to their neighbours. Radios audio systems television set and musical instruments etc must be kept to a reasonable volume which causes no annoyance to other occupant's aerials are permitted at the company's discretion.
- External fires including incinerators arc not allowed.
- You must not keep any pets or animals except the following:
Not more than one dog (other than any of the breeds subject to the Dangerous Dogs act 1991 which are not permitted). You must keep any dog under proper control and you must not permit it to frighten other users of the park. You must keep any dog on a leash not exceeding 1Meter and must not allow it to despoil the park.
Cats permitted. You must not let them despoil the park.
- You must not have more than two storage sheds on the pitch, which only shall be of an approved pattern, size and materials and so positioned to comply with the relevant conditions of the license.
- The occupier is responsible for the disposal of all household waste in approved containers through the local authority service. Garden refuse must be disposed of in a proper manner. Containers must be placed in the approved position for weekly collections. The deposit of any refuse, unroadworthy cars on any part of the company's land is strictly prohibited.
VEHICLES — all vehicles must be driven carefully on the park not exceeding the displayed speed limit. Parking is not permitted on roads or grass verges. Occupiers and non-residents authorised to bring vehicles onto the park do so at their own risk.
Vehicles must be kept to authorised parking spaces.
All vehicles must be taxed and insured as required by the law (road traffic act 1960) and be in running order and drivers must hold a current driving license and insurance.
In certain circumstances with the permission of the company and the local council vehicles may be parked within the confines of the occupier's plot in designated positions.
Disused/unroadworthy vehicles must not be left on the park and the company reserves the right to remove any vehicle with is apparently abandoned.
No major repairs to vehicles may be permitted on the company's land. Motor oils and other fuels of that nature must not be discharged anywhere on the park.
Additional Cars, (two or more), may only be parked on the park/visitor's car park with prior written permission from the company, a charge of £20.00 per calendar month will be made for each additional vehicle.
Additional Commercial vehicles, boats, touring caravans, trailers and motor homes, of any size may only be parked on the park/visitor's car park with prior written permission from the company, a charge of £25.00 per calendar month will be made for each additional vehicle.
Residents are responsible for the repair and maintenance of rented garages. Garage entrances must be kept clear at all times.
Residents must inform the company of the new registration number when they update/change their vehicle.
- Pitch fees are payable at the rate and frequency prescribed in your agreement and are
exclusive of all rates, taxes and other outgoing of an annual or recuffing nature.
- All park homes must be equipped with a suitable fire extinguisher and fire blanket which conforms to the requirements of the fire authority. The chimneys flue and cowl must be kept in good repair. Care must be taken to prevent discharge of sparks or excessive smoke.
- Occupiers must not use the fire points provided for other than the emergency use intended.
- No occupier shall do or permit to be done anywhere on the park an act or action which may be or become nuisance, damage, annoyance or inconvenience to the company or the neighbours or occupiers of any other home on the park or to any adjoining or neighbouring property and shall not use or permit the home to be used for any illegal or immoral purposes. The park is intended for semi-retired persons, and the park owner will not normally accept persons under the age of 50 years as residents. Occupiers will be held responsible at all times for the conduct of their visitors.
- Occupiers are responsible for insuring all electrical, solid fuel, oil and gas installation within the home must comply at all time with the requirements of the various bodies of authority. It is forbidden to carry offensive weapons or any other object likely to give offence on the park. Guns or firearms of any kind shall not be used on the park and shall only be kept with a license from the police authority and with prior written permission from the company.
- Access is not permitted to vacant pitches. Building materials or other plant must be left undisturbed.
- The use of hose pipes without permission is strictly prohibited. Permission will only be granted on payment of an annual license fee. Sprinklers are not allowed. The occupier must not permit mains or waste water to discharge into the ground nor permit to pass into water closets, gullies or drains any matter which is likely to cause blockage or damage. It is the resident's responsibility to have blocked drains cleared and burst water pipes repaired at their own expense.
- All external water pipes shall be lagged against frost by the occupier who will be liable for any wastage of water due to the occupier's failure to do so or from any other failure on the section of the water service for which the occupier is responsible, i.e. from the underground stop cock and ground level upwards. The occupier is responsible for the sewerage connection from the ground level upwards and for electrical connections from the meter housing.
- Disconnections and removal of park home from a plot shall only be carried out by the company at the occupier's expense.
- No children are allowed to reside on the park as permanent residents. Visits and holiday stays are of course permitted.
Park Home Living Disclaimer:
Park rules have been downloaded from the relevant licensing authority and were correct at the time of publishing. Uploaded Date 30th October 2020
Licensing Authority
Cornwall Council
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