Jacks Hill Park
Hitchin, Hertfordshire These details were last updated on 26th January 2024Jacks Hill Park is a pet friendly residential park home estate for the over 45's in Hitchin, Hertfordshire. Please mention Park Home Living calling them.
Jacks Hill Park | Park Rules
Following Consultation started 1st September 2014
The following Park Rules are for the good management of the Park and the benefit of all who live here. These rules form part of the Agreement by which you occupy your pitch in accordance with the Mobile Homes Act 1983, as amended. They are in addition to, and as further clarification of, the "Implied" and "Express" terms of that Agreement. It is hoped that all Occupiers will do everything possible to make the Park a happy community and a credit to all concerned.
In these rules:
- "Occupier" means anyone who occupies a park home, whether under an Agreement to which the Mobile Homes Act 1983 applies or under a tenancy or any other agreement.
- "you" and "your" refers to the homeowner or other occupier of a park home.
None of these rules is to have retrospective effect. Accordingly:
- They are to apply only from the date on which they take effect, which is 10th December 2014; and
- No occupier who is in occupation on that date will be treated as being in breach due to circumstances which were in existence on that date and which would not have been a breach of the rules in existence before that date.
- Occupiers must comply with Site Licence conditions issued by North Herts District Council.
- Only Park Homes of proprietary manufacture which conform to:-
- the definitions contained in the "Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960" or any subsequent Act and
- British Standard 3632 - may be sited on the Park and must be sited and connected to the services by the Park Owner.
- No Park Homes can be exchanged for another unless supplied and sited by the Park Owner.
- Disconnection and removal of Park Homes from a plot shall only be carried out by the Park Owner at the Occupier's expense.
- Any alterations to the exterior of the Park Home eg: fitting of new roof, windows, doors, porches, skirtings or any significant alteration to its external appearance must comply with the Site Licence Conditions issued by North Herts District Council. Any such works will need to comply with all statutory controls and be carried out by qualified contractors. Please consult with the Park Owner so we can advise you on compliance with the Park's Site Licence and fire safety conditions.
- All Park Homes on the Park must be owned by the Occupier or be the subject of a bona fide hire purchase agreement entered into between the Occupier and a Finance House. No Park Home on the site may be let by an Occupier and the same must only be occupied by the Occupier and his or her immediate family. Under no circumstances may Occupiers accommodate lodgers or paying guests.
- Late Payment
If any bills for rent, electricity, gas or any other services provided by the Park Owner remain unpaid for 14 days from their due date, they will incur an interest charge of 2.5% per calendar month for each month that they are overdue. If you are experiencing any difficulties, please contact us as soon as possible.
Condition of the Pitch
- For reasons of ventilation and safety, Occupiers must keep the underneath of their home clear and not use it as a storage space. All plots must be kept in a neat and tidy condition.
- Occupiers must not erect fences or other means of enclosure without consultation and approval with the Park Owner (which will not be unreasonably withheld) and if appropriate, permission from North He1ts District Council in compliance with the Park's Site Licence conditions and fire safety requirements. Existing fences must be maintained adequately.
- External fires, including incinerators, are not allowed. Occupiers are not permitted to use petrol or paraffin cooking stoves. A barbecue may be used as long as it is not in such a position as is likely to cause danger of igniting any structure, vehicle, bush, tree, fence or undergrowth, or be a nuisance to their neighbours.
- No inflammable substances may be kept on the Park except in quantities reasonable for domestic use.
- No explosive substances may be kept on the Park.
- The planting of trees and large shrubs is subject to the Park Owner's approval (which will not be unreasonably withheld) as to variety and position. They must not be permitted to grow to a size or shape as to interfere with neighbour's pitch. Existing trees and shrubs may not be cut down, removed or damaged without consultation with the Park Owner and if appropriate, permission from N01th Herts District Council. Gardens must be left intact when the Occupier vacates the pitch.
- Occupiers must not have more than one storage shed on the pitch. The design, size and standard of the shed must be approved by the Park Owner in writing (approval will not be withheld unreasonably). Occupiers must position the shed so as to comply with the Park's Site Licence and fire safety requirements.
- Occupiers must not have any storage receptacle on the pitch other than the shed mentioned in rule 14 and any receptacle for the storage of domestic waste pending collection by the local authority.
- Any structure erected in the separation space between Park Homes must be of noncombustible construction and positioned so as to comply with the Park's Site Licence and fire safety requirements.
- All Occupiers are responsible for the disposal of all household, recyclable and garden waste in approved containers through the local authority service. Containers must not be over filled and must be placed in the approved position for the local authority's regular collections.
- The deposit of any waste on any part of the Park is strictly prohibited (including any individual pitch).
Business Activities
- Occupiers must not use the park home, the pitch or the park (or any part of the park) for any business purpose and Occupiers must not use the park home or the pitch for storage of stock, plant, machinery or equipment used or last used for any business purpose. However, Occupiers are at liberty to work individually from home by carrying out any office work of a type which does not create a nuisance to other Occupiers and does not involve other staff, other workers, customers or members of the public calling at the park home or the park.
Age of Occupants
- The minimum age of all Occupiers and any person residing with them on a permanent basis is 45 years. Visiting children must be kept under control and Occupiers should ensure that their visitors are not liable to constitute a nuisance to any other Occupier or Occupiers.
Noise Nuisance
- Occupiers must not use musical instruments, all forms of recorded music players, radios and other similar appliances and motor vehicles so as to cause a nuisance to other occupiers, especially between the hours of 10.30pm and 8.00am.
- The Occupier must not keep any pets or animals except the following: Either
Not more than one dog of any breed (other than any of the breeds subject to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 which are not permitted at all). Any dog must be kept under proper control and must not be permitted to frighten other users of the Park, must be kept on a leash not exceeding 1m in length on the Park and must not be allowed to despoil the Park.
Not more than one domestic cat. Any cat must be kept under proper control and must not be permitted to frighten other users of the Park and must not be allowed to despoil the Park.
Water, Sewerage, Electricity, Gas and Oil
- Hosepipes - water is communally metered and the cost is spread equally among occupiers. Please be sparing in your use in order to keep the cost down.
- Fire point hoses may only be used in a case of fire.
- All external water pipes must be lagged by Occupiers against potential frost damage; the Occupier will be liable for any loss of water due to their failure to do so or from any other failure on the section of the water service for which the Occupier is responsible ie: from ground level upwards.
- The Occupier is responsible for the sewerage and drain connections from ground level upwards and for electrical connections from the meter housing.
- Occupiers must not allow waste water to discharge to the ground but must ensure that it is discharged to the drains provided. Disposable nappies or similar articles must not be flushed down the toilets.
- The Occupier is responsible for the maintenance of all electrical, gas, oil and solid fuel installations and appliances within the Park Home and must ensure that all such installations and appliances are kept in good repair and comply with the requirements of the Institute of Electrical Engineers and/or other appropriate authorities. The Occupier must use qualified contractors for repairs and maintenance. The maximum loading of the electricity supply is 40 amps.
Vacant Pitches
- Access is not permitted to vacant pitches. Building materials, equipment and/or plant must be left undisturbed.
Vehicles and Parking
- All motor vehicles using the Park must be driven carefully and not exceed the Park speed limit of IO m.p.h.
- Occupiers must hold a current driving licence and be insured to drive any vehicle on the Park. Occupiers must also ensure that any vehicle they drive on the park is taxed in accordance with the requirements of the law and is in a roadworthy condition.
- The Park Owner is only obliged to provide one car park space per home. Therefore Occupiers vehicles may only be parked in their authorised car park space or garage adjacent to their home. Where the number of Occupiers vehicles exceeds the number that is permissible and possible to park on their own plot, additional spaces can be provided on overflow parking areas at extra cost to the vehicle owner concerned.
- Vehicles may only be parked on the roadways for the express purpose of loading and unloading which must be carried out in the shortest possible time so as not to cause obstruction to other road users. These vehicles should not be left unattended.
- Visitors to the Park must not park on the roads and should use the visitors parking area. If this is full, they must park outside the Park limits.
- Parking of commercial vehicles, other than for delivery and collection of goods from the Park, motor caravans, touring caravans or boats is not allowed on the Park. Special permission must be obtained in writing from North Herts District Council.
- Disused, untaxed or unroadworthy vehicles are not allowed on the Park. The Park Owner reserves the right to remove and dispose of any vehicle which is apparently abandoned without the consent of the owner of the vehicle.
- Car parking spaces are provided at the sole risk of the Occupiers.
- Occupiers must not carry out the following works or repairs on the Park:-
- Major vehicle repairs involving dismantling of part(s) of the engine
- Works which involve the removal of oil or other fuels
Fire Precautions
- Occupiers are recommended to have in their park home a fire extinguisher and fire blanket conforming to the relevant British Standard.
- All Occupiers should make themselves aware of and learn to operate the firefighting facilities provided by the Park Owner. Occupiers must not use the fire points provided other than for the emergency use intended.
- Occupiers must not use guns, firearms and offensive weapons (including crossbows) on the Park and Occupiers must only keep them if they hold an appropriate licence.
External Decoration
- Occupiers must maintain the outside of their park home in a clean and tidy condition. Where the exterior is repainted or recovered, homeowners must use reasonable endeavours not to depart from the original exterior colour scheme.
Park Home Living Disclaimer:
Park rules have been downloaded from the relevant licensing authority and were correct at the time of publishing. Uploaded Date: 23rd July 2021
Licensing Authority
North Hertfordshire District Council
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