Kinverdale Park
Kidderminster, Worcestershire These details were last updated on 17th April 2023Kinverdale Park is a residential park home estate in Kidderminster, Worcestershire currently showing on Park Home Living as a complimentary entry with a contact telephone number.
Kinverdale Park | Park Rules
None of these rules is to have retrospective effect
The Park Home
- The Park Home and pitch is to be occupied solely as a private residence and no trade, business or profession may be undertaken except home working of the office kind and where no staff or other workers are employed or it is necessary for customers or members of the public to visit the park.
The only other exception to this rule is the Park Owners and/or their Agent/Manger to enable them to pursue the effective management and maintenance of the park or parks under their ownership or control.
- The age limit for occupation of a home on Kinverdale Park is 50 years of age. The exception to this rule is the Park Owners and their family, their Agent/Manager or any person employed by the Park Owners to include the employees immediate family who reside in the Park Home.
- All external wall insulation systems of the Park Home must be approved by the Park Owner or Agent/Manager and the Local Authority Licencing Department. Only approved (by the above) insulation companies will be permitted to insulate park homes on Kinverdale Park.
- The occupier is responsible for the protection from frost of all external water pipes that run from ground level to the park home.
- The Occupier is responsible for the maintenance of all internal water, electrical, gas and water conduits and piping.
- No conservatory or any extension to the home, of any construction, are allowed on Kinverdale Park.
The Pitch.
- All proposed major exterior groundwork on the pitch including such as erecting of walls, fencing, replacement or provision of exterior access ramps, exterior steps must be submitted to the Park Owner and/or Agent/Manager in writing and a reply of agreement in writing (which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed) received from the Park Owner or Agent before work can commence.
- Wooden fencing is no longer allowed; fencing must be of wrought iron construction and must not exceed 1 (one metre) in height (as per Wyre Forest Council Site Licence). No wooden archways, gate posts or any other wooden structures are allowed on the park. Where such structures are already in place they must be treated with fire resistant paint or removed.
- Such structures (as in (b) above) must be removed upon sale of the home by the incumbent resident.
- All grassed/turfed areas are to be retained and maintained. The use of artificial grass/turf is allowed so long as it is laid by a competent contractor agreed by the Park Owners/ Manager/Agent.
- No fencing, walls, shrubs or bushes are to be erected or planted along the perimeter of a pitch which adjoins or fronts walkways between the homes or the roadway through the park.
Where shrubs or bushes are planted in gardens they should be trimmed to 1 (one) metre in height and not protrude over the pitch boundary on to the road or walkways
- It is the responsibility of the Home Owner to ensure that any trades working on their home internally or externally has current and correct liability insurance.
- Where work, internally or externally, to include underground and above ground electrical, telephone, sewerage and water conduits and cabling, is carried out by a non-insured ie: a member of the Park Home owners family or any person employed by the Park Home owner the home owner must sign an agreement with the Park Owner or their Agent/Manager accepting full responsibility for any damage to Kinverdale Park due to the carrying out of the said work
- All walkways between homes must be keep clear at all times to allow access particularly for emergency personnel and Kinverdale Park maintenance staff.
- Access ramps, where applicable, must be of a design, material and construction that is approved by the Local Authority Department responsible. As far as possible access ramps must not prevent all round access to the Park Home.
- No external fires are allowed at any time. Barbeques are allowed but must be of 'off the floor design'
- Clothes lines must be of a rotary design and situated at the rear of the home wherever possible and collapsed when not in use.
- The Home Owner is solely responsible for keeping the pitch and garden tidy.
- The space underneath the Park Home must only be used for storage of non-combustible items ie: ladders, steps etc and must not obstruct ventilation.
- Where it is necessary to store combustible material ie: logs for use in internal log burners, the logs must be stored in a non-combustible log store situated as far as possible, within the pitch boundary, from the Park Home.
- No Inflammable material is to be kept on the park. The exception to this rule is reasonable quantities for domestic use. This rule does not apply to the Park Owners, their Agent/Manager, where it is necessary, to retain such materials for the maintenance of the park.
- No firearms of any description or explosive substances are to be stored or retained on the park.
- Two (2) sheds not exceeding 6ftx6ft are allowed on the individual pitch. No sheds are to be sited at the front of a property where the Park Home adjoins a walkway or the main roads through the park.
- The Park Home owner must ensure that any shed or other structure erected in the separation space between the Park Home is of a non-combustible construction and positioned as to comply with Kinverdale Park WFDC Site Licence conditions and fire safety requirements. The separation space is the space between each park home.
- A maximum of two (2) pets per home (other than any of the breeds subject to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991) which are not permitted at all).
- All dogs must be kept under proper control. All dogs must be kept on a leash not exceeding lm in length (approx.: 3.5ft) whilst on land within the Kinverdale Park boundary.
- The home owner and, any visitor bringing their dog to the park, is absolutely responsible for any nuisance caused by continual barking or barking at unreasonable times ie: evening or early morning and threatening behaviour to other residents and/or their visitors plus the Home Owner/visitor Is responsible for removal of all fouling by the respective dog on any part of Kinverdale Park.
- Nothing in the above rules prevent an occupier from keeping an assistance dog, if this is required, to support your disability and Assistance Dogs UK or any successor body has issued you with an Identification Book or other appropriate evidence.
Only the fire equipment located in the fire boxes plus any home extinguishers and fire blankets must be used in the event of a fire.
Noise Nuisance.
Residents and/or their visitors must not use musical instruments, all forms of recorded music players, radio's and other similar appliances and motor vehicles so as to cause nuisance to other residents especially between the hours of 10.30pm-8.30am.
Speed Limits and Parking.
- All vehicles must be driven safely and within the displayed speed limit.
- Occupiers must not park more than 2 vehicles on the park.
- Vehicles must not be parked on grass verges.
- The limited parking of vehicles on the roadway through the park is permitted during loading or unloading only.
- Where a parking space adjoins a property only one vehicle must be parked at any one time. A second vehicle owned by the Home Owner should be parked in an allocated remote parking space. Visitors to Kinverdale Park should park in the visitor's car park.
- No commercial vehicles are allowed on Kinverdale Park except for the delivery of goods and Services or where trades are employed by the Home Owner to carry out repairs etc: on their property.
The exception to this rule is commercial vehicles operated by the Park Owner, Agent/Manager their respective immediate families or anyone employed by the above to maintain Kinverdale Park.
Trades whilst working at a home will be allowed to park their commercial vehicle on the respective homes allocated parking space as long as the length and width of the trade's vehicle does not exceed the width and length of the allocated parking space.
It is the responsibility of the Home Owner to ensure the trades vehicle is correctly taxed and insured.
If an allocated parking space is not available then all trade vehicles must be parked on the visitor's carpark.
The exception to this rule is commercial vehicles operated by the Park Owner, Agent/Manager their respective immediate families or anyone employed by the above to maintain Kinverdale Park
- No boats including jet skis, canoes or other water craft are allowed on Kinverdale Park.
- No touring caravans are allowed on Kinverdale Park except for loading or unloading. Motor Homes can be parked/stored at a cost, agreed between the Park Owner, Agent/Manager and the motorhome owner, in the visitor's car park.
4 (four) parking spaces have been allocated on a first come basis.
- All vehicles that are parked or driven on Kinverdale Park must be correctly taxed and the driver/s insured to drive that vehicle.
All drivers must hold a current drivers licence.
- All vehicles must be in a roadworthy condition.
Disused or unroadworthy vehicles must not be kept on any part of Kinverdale Park.
The Park Owner, Agent/Manager reserve the right to remove any vehicle which appears to be abandoned or is unroadworthy at the expense of the vehicle owner.
- No repairs to motor vehicles of any description must be carried out on Kinverdale Park except the checking and maintaining of oil, water, screen wash levels and breakdown services.
- The home owner is responsible for the disposal of all household and recyclable waste In approved Local Authority containers.
Containers must not be overfilled and must be placed in the approved position for local authority collection.
- The home owner or any other person must not deposit any waste or rubbish other than in local authority approved containers on any part of Kinverdale Park including any individual pitch.
- Garden waste must be deposited in the unit provided.
The unit will be serviced by Wyre Forest District Council March to November.
No garden waste is to be placed in the council serviced bins between November and February or on any other area of Kinverdale Park.
During this period the disposal of garden waste is the sole responsibility of the individual home owner.
- The Park Home resident is solely responsible for the conduct of their visitors whilst on Kinverdale Park
- Visitors vehicles must be parked in the visitor's car park.
- No ball games, cycle racing, skate boards or roller skates are allowed on the roadway or car parks.
No access to vacant pitches is allowed and any plant and building materials must be left undisturbed.
The only exception to this rule is the Park Owner/s, Agent/Manager or anyone authorised by the Park Owner/s, Agent or Manager.
Park Home Living Disclaimer:
Park rules have been downloaded from the relevant licensing authority and were correct at the time of publishing. Uploaded Date: 24th August 2021
Licensing Authority
Wyre Forest District Council
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