Uphill Park
Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset These details were last updated on 23rd December 2020Uphill Park is a residential park home estate in Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset currently showing on Park Home Living as a complimentary entry with a contact telephone number.
Uphill Park | Park Rules
The following rules of occupation are for the good management of Mobile home Parks and the benefit of al who use them. These rules form part of the agreement by which you occupy your pitch in accordance with the Mobile Homw act (1983)
These rules have not been compiled to restrict residents but rather to ensure that they may live peacefully in unspoilt surroundings. It will be appreciated that a mobile home resident lives in much closer proximity with other occupiers than a house dweller therefore, certain rules have to be compiled in the occupiers interests. Other rules are necessary so that the visual amenities of the park are preserved. We are convinced that provided occupiers accept these rules in the right spirit our park will be one of the happiest and most satisfied communities in the county.
- Only park homes (mobile homes) of proprietary manufacture which conform to the definitions contained in the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act (1960), the Caravan Sites Act (1968) and the Mobile Homes Act (1975/1983) and that also comply with BS3632 shall be allowed to be transferred to the new occupier. No replacement park home shall be acquired by the occupier for siting anywhere on a pitch or park other than through the park owner or the agency of the park owner. The park owners will be solely responsible for the siting of and disconnection/connection of any services to any park home.
- Park homes (mobile homes) must be kept In sound and clean conditlon, external decoration and colour maintained to the satlsfaction of the owner. Wheels must not be removed nor the park home (mobile home) re-positioned without permission. No external alteratlon or addition to the park home (mobile home} or pitch Is permitted without the prior approval of the Local Authority.
- The occupier Is responsible for the cleanliness of the pitch. No litter shall be deposited on any public places and paths.
- The park home {mobile home) may be used by the occupfer and members of his permanent household and bona-fide guests only (and, In any event. for the occupation of such numbers of persons asshall not exceed the specified number of berths.
- Park home (mobile home} units shall not be sublet tn whole or in part.
- Occupiers are responsibie for ensuring that electrical, water and gas Installations and appliances within the park home comply at all times with the requirements of the lnstltutlon of Electrical Engineers and/or other appropriate Authorities.
- The occupier shall, not less than once in every year, arrange for all heating appliances to be inspected by a competent Heating Engineer and shall carry out such repairs as may be found necessary on such inspection. The occupier shall obtain from such Heating Engineer a Certificate of Inspection that the heating installation is safe and in good working order and shall produce such Certificate to the owner on demand.
- The occupier must not permit waste water to be discharged onto the ground. Where water is not separately metered or rated, hoses must only be used in a responsible manner.
- The occupier is responsible to ensure that all household refuse is deposited in approved cotainers which must not be over filled and must be placed in the approved position for regular collection.
- Musical instruments, record players, radios, other appliances and motor vehices must not be used to cause a nuisance to others especially between the hours of 10.30 pm and 8am.
- All vehicles must be driven carefully on the Park, not exceeding the speed limit of 10 mph. Vehicles must keep to authorised parking spaces and to the roads which must not be obstructed. Vehicles must be taxed and insured as required by law and drivers must hold a current driving licence and insurance. Disused vehicles must be removed from the park. The prior written approval of the owner must be obtained for parking commercial vehicles. The owner reserves the right to remove from the park any untaxed vehicles that appear to him to have been abandoned. No repairs to motor vehicles, save for minor repairs, shall be permitted on the park. No SORN licensed vehicles to be left on the park unless permission, in writing, is gained from the park owners.
- Porches, storage sheds, fuel bunkers or other structures are only permitted wlth the approval of the owner and, where permitted must be af a design, size and standard approved by the owner and the Planning Authority.
- Private gardens, where permltted, must be kept In a neat and tidy conditlon and no fences or other areas of enclosure at the side or rear of the pitch may be erected without the written consent af the owner. Where permission for the erection of such fencing Is given, the height of such fencing shall not exceed one (1) metre. The planting of trees and shrubs is also subject to the owner's prior approval of type and position. Any trees planted with such consent shall not be lopped; felled or removed. without the owner's consent. Occupiers shall not Interfere with, or In any way disturb any flora or fauna on the park.
- Washing lines are to be reasonably screened from public view and to be of a rotary type.
- Pets are restricted to two small or one larger animal per home, must be kept under proper control at all times and not allowed to despoil the park.
- The occupier is responsible for the conduct of children in his/her custody and of visitors.
- Guns, firearms or offensive weapons of any description shall not be used on the Park and shall only be kept with alicence from the Police Authority and the written consent of the owner.
- Everyone using the park is required to comply with the regulations of the Site Licence, Water Authority or other Statuatory Authority.
- Access is not permitted to vacant pitches. Building materials or other plant must be left undisturbed.
- No commeercial enterprise or business activitie may take place on the park without the prior permission of the owner. The Park home (mobile home) shall be used as a private residence only.
- Occupiers will obtain the Company's consent before erecting anything which etends above the height of the roof of the home excluding television or satellite aerials.
- Occupiers must not use fire points provided doe anything other than the emergency use intended.
- Garden fires are not permitted.
- Persons under the age of 50 years are not allowed as permanent occupiers. The park is intended to cater mainly for retired/semi-retired persons and any assignment or sale on site to be only to persons of a similar age group. Any assignment of the Written Statement under the Mobile homes Act (1983) or Site Sales of a Mobile Home shall be in accordance with the procedure for transfer.
- All homes on the park must comply with British Standard 3632 and cannot be re-sold unless this standard is met.
Park Home Living Disclaimer:
Park rules have been downloaded from the relevant licensing authority and were correct at the time of publishing. Uploaded Date 29th November 2020
Licensing Authority
North Somerset Council
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These details were last updated on 23rd December 2020