Badger Hill
Knaresborough, North Yorkshire These details were last updated on 31st January 2024Badger Hill is a residential park home estate in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire currently showing on Park Home Living as a complimentary entry with a contact telephone number.
Badger Hill | Park Rules
Centurion House, London Road, Staines-Upon-Thames, Surrey, England, TW18 4AX
These rules are: put in place for the benefits of all park users and are not meant to cause offense or be restrictive. Our aim is to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all residents and visitors to the park.
1 All Residents on the park must be 50 or over.
2 No children or young adult may reside on the park.
3 The mobile home shall be used only by the owner and their immediatefamily members.
4 Subletting of the home is strictly forbidden,
5 The home is to be used for residential purpose only, not for business or commercial enterprise.
6 The pitch fee is to be paid monthly, on 1st of every month, in accordance with your Mobile Home Agreement. Failure to do so could result in court action and removal of the resident or home from site.
7 Mobile homes must be kept in a sound and clean condition.
8 Wheels must not be removed, nor the mobile home re-positioned.
9 Each home owner is responsible for their own pitch.
10 Pitches must be clean and tidy including underneath the home, sheds,garden area and parking bay.
11 New and additional sheds/bunkers must not be erected without prior written permission from the head office. Applications should be made in writing to: WOKING TARMAC CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Centurion House, London Road, Staines-Upon-Thames, Surrey, England, TW18 4AX
12 No alterations to the home/pitch including flagging, steps or fencing etc. must be carried out without prior approval of the park owner. Again applications should be made in writing to: WOKING TARMAC CONSTRUCTION LIMITED, Centurion House, London Road, Staines-UponThames, Surrey, England, TW18 4AX
13 All work carried out on the park must comply with our site license therefore in future all building works will be carried out only by contractors with appropriate certification and accreditation.
14 No outside contractors must be hired by the home owner to carry out any works on the home or pitch without contacting the Site Owner.
15 Re-painting of homes must be authorized by the Site Owner, and carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended maintenance. Use of garish paint colours is not allowed and homes must be in keeping with the rest of the park.
16 Homes, their accessories and contents are the responsibility of the home owner and are on the park at their own risk.
17 All homes owners must ensure that they are adequately insured and the park owner accepts no responsibility for loss, damage or personal injury for risk that should be covered under home owner insurance
18 The galvanized railings supplied with each home can only be painted silver, using special aluminium paint designed for this purpose.
19 Home owners wishing to sell their Homes will do so strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Mobile Homes Act 2013.. Whilst there is no legal obligation for Home Owners to advise the Park Owner of their intention to sell, Home Owners will, as a matter of courtesy, advise the Park Owner once marketing of the property has been arranged.
20 The Park Owner does not have the right to approve the buyer but the buyer will have to meet all site rules if they want to live on the park. Once a Home Owner has agreed a sale with a prospective buyer the seller and the buyer must complete a Notice of Proposed Sale Form and send it to the Park Owner.
21 If the Park Owner does not object within 21 days or make reference to tribunal for a ruling, Home Owners will need to complete an Assignment Form, transferring the pitch to the buyer. The buyer pays the Home Owner 90% or more of the sale price (or such other percentage as may be determined under the Mobile Homes Act).
22 The buyer then takes ownership of the home and has 7 days in which to tell the Park Owner, using the Notice of Assignment Form and showing evidence of the payment made to the seller. The Park Owner then gives their bank details to the buyer, who has 7 days to pay up to 10% of the sale price as commission (or such other percentage as determined under the Mobile Homes Act). 10% is the industry norm. So, if a property is sold at £200k, the buyer will pay the seller f180k and will subsequently pay the Park. Owner f20k in accordance with the above procedure. Both WTC and BHPRA recommend the use of a solicitor in processing the sale.
23 The speed limit on the park is strictly 5-mph and must be adhered to at all times.
24 No vehicles are to be parked an roadways at anytime.
25 No commercial vehicles or vehicles sporting logos are to be parked on any residential pitch.
26 Motor homes and tour caravans must not be parked on the site at any time by either residents or the park owner. The park owner has discretion to allow vehicles to park in areas of his land not covered by the park licence
27 All vehicles on the park must have current road tax and insurance. Vehicles must not be stored on the site.
28 Motor car repairs must not be carried out on the park, except by recognized breakdown companies.
29 No ball games are allowed on the park.
30 National flags, bunting etc. may only be erected temporarily to celebrate special national occasions.
31 Please be courteous to your neighbours and ensure, loud music, music instruments and televisions are not causing a disturbance. Especially between the hours of 9pm-8am.
32 Outdoor firearms, air pistols, catapults or any offensive weapons are NOT permitted on the site at any time.
33 Please ensure your rubbish is disposed of as per the instructions from the local authority and placed in the bins provided.
34 Scrap metal must be removed from site and not left by the bins. The bins are for general/recyclable waste only.
35 Bulky items eg furniture, white goods (fridges etc.) must be taken to the local landfill site.
36 Do not dump waste on the park or in company skips.
37 Traders and salesmen are not allowed on the park without prior consent from the park owner.
38 No advertisements or notices are to be displayed in windows, or exteriors of the homes.
39 Please do not introduce any foreign items into the drainage system, particularly cleaning clothes, wet wipes, incontinence pads, cooking fat etc.
40 Children visiting the site are the responsibility of their parent or guardian at: all times. They are to be supervised at all times so as not to cause a. nuisance to other owners.
41 Only rotary-type clothing lines are allowed and this must: be folded when not in use.
42 The proprietors and staff are anxious to be of assistance at any time but it would be appreciated if any business or requests, except in extreme, urgency, could be made only during normal office hours.
43 Dogs and cats are not allowed to live on the park. Visitors may only bring a domestic type dog to the park whilst visiting and for a maximum of one day only. Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times, without exception... Any fouling on the park or surrounding field must be cleaned up.
44 Feeding of wild birds using a maximum of two small hanging feeders and only traditional bird food is permitted. Food must not be placed on. the ground and the feeding of other wildlife is not permitted.
45 Wildlife on the park should not be harmed.
46 Homes owners must ensure that the area around their homes and plots are kept clear at all times.
47 Your visitors are your responsibility and must comply with the park rules
48 All homes should have their Fire Extinguisher and Fire Blanket in place.
49 Please respect the park and its amenities, do not cause damage to trees or plants.
50 Offensive or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated to staff members or other Badger Hill Park residents.
51 Hand gestures, threatening behaviour or swearing of any kind will not be tolerated, either to staff or other Badger Hill Park residents.
Park Home Living Disclaimer:
Park rules have been downloaded from the relevant licensing authority and were correct at the time of publishing. Uploaded Date 30th October 2020
Licensing Authority
Harrogate Borough Council
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