Caddington Park
Luton, Bedfordshire These details were last updated on 10th January 2023Caddington Park is a cat friendly residential park home estate for the over 45's in Luton, Bedfordshire. Please mention Park Home Living when calling.
Caddington Park | Park Rules
Caddington Park Rules
The following rules for occupation are for the good management of the Park and the benefit of all who use it. These rules form part of the agreement by which you occupy your pitch in accordance with the Mobile Homes Act 1983. They have not been compiled to place unnecessary restrictions on residence but rather to ensure that residents may live peaceably in unspoiled surroundings.
1. The Unit
- No external alteration or addition to the home or pitch is permitted without the prior written permission from the park owner.
- Extensions or alterations to a home may in addition require planning consent or building regulation and the occupier is responsible for obtaining the same, paying all fees in connection therewith and complying with any conditions imposed.
2. Condition of the Pitch
- Private gardens must be kept neat and tidy and no fence or other means of enclosure shall be allowed without the prior written approval of the park owner.
- Gardens must be of an ornamental nature only, trees to be a maximum of eave height and must be kept neat and tidy. Vegetable gardens are NOT permitted. The space under the home is for access only and not for storage.
- The occupier shall be responsible for the trimming and maintenance of any boundary hedge and fence of the park which forms a boundary of the pitch.
- Bonfires (including incinerators) are not permitted.
- Access roadways and paths on the park shall not be obstructed at any time nor litter allowed to accumulate thereon.
- On plot parking must be a hard standing of either concrete or block paving
- The planting of new hedges is not permitted on the park
3. Statutory Authorities
- Everyone using the park is required to comply with the regulations of the Site Licence, Water Company and any other statutory authority.
4. Refuse
- The occupier is responsible for the disposal of all household and garden waste in approved containers through the local authority service. Containers must not be over filled and must be placed in the approved position for weekly collections.
- Matter likely to clog drains should be wrapped and put into the refuse container as should used sanitary towels, disposable nappies, non-biodegradable wipes and cotton buds. These items should not be put down the toilets.
- The deposit of any refuse on any part of the park owner's land is strictly prohibited.
5. Occupation
- The home may be used by the resident and members of his/her permanent household and bona fide guests staying for a short period only. On no occasion shall the number of persons occupying or using the home exceed the specified number of berths.
- No person shall be permanently resident on the Park who is under the age of 45 (forty five) years.
- The resident is not permitted to sublet or part with the possession of the whole or any part of the home or pitch nor to take in lodgers.
6. Pets
- Cats are permitted on the Park at a maximum of two animals per home.
- Dogs are not permitted.
- Pets causing nuisance or deemed to be dangerous can be removed from the Park permanently upon the Park Owner giving seven days notice of this requirement.
7. Vehicles
- All vehicles (maximum 2 per home) must be driven carefully on the Park.
- Vehicles must be kept to authorised parking spaces except where individual parking spaces and/or garages have been provided on a pitch.
- No vehicle shall be parked on a road except for temporary unloading or in an emergency.
- Vehicles must be taxed and insured as required by Law and drivers must hold a current driving licence and insurance to drive.
- Disused vehicles must be removed from the Park and the Park Owner reserves the right to remove any vehicle which is apparently abandoned, without the consent of the owner thereof.
- Vehicles must be classed as private light goods vehicles, vans must be of a car derivative
- No holder of a Provisional Driving Licence may drive a vehicle on the Park.
- The speed limit is 5mph
- Motor homes and touring caravans are permitted for 24 hours only for loading/unloading
8. Noise
All residents should have regard for the comfort of others.
9. Fire Precautions
- It is the responsibility of all residents to familiarise themselves with the fire fighting installations on the Park.
10. Water
- No sprinklers, except those used by the Park Owner may be used.
- Hand held hose-pipes are permitted but only for use where a "gun" attachment is fitted and for a direct water supply and a meter
11. Vacant Pitches
Access is not permitted to vacant pitches and any building materials for the time being thereon or other plant must be left undisturbed.
12. Miscellaneous
- Guns, firearms or offensive weapons of any description shall not be used on the Park and shall only be kept with a licence from the Police Authority and the written consent of the Park Owner.
- Washing shall not be displayed in front gardens of the home and such display limited to the rear garden of the home for the minimum time reasonable.
- Residents are responsible for making these rules known to members of their permanent household and to guests or visitors to their home and indemnify the Park Owner in respect of the consequences of all actions by themselves or such persons.
August 2013
Park Home Living Disclaimer:
Park rules have been downloaded from the relevant licensing authority and were correct at the time of publishing. Uploaded Date 30th October 2020
Licensing Authority
Central Bedfordshire Council
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