Woodlands Park Homes (Hertfordshire)
Welwyn, Hertfordshire These details were last updated on 27th July 2021Woodlands Park Homes (Hertfordshire) is a residential park home estate in Welwyn, Hertfordshire currently showing on Park Home Living as a complimentary entry with a contact telephone number.
Woodlands Park Homes (Hertfordshire) | Park Rules
The following rules for occupation are for the good management of the Park and benefit and safety of all who live there and their visitors so all may live peacefully in pleasant surroundings. All the rules must be adhered to.
In these rules:
- "occupier" means anyone who occupies a park home ,whether under an Agreement to which the Mobile Homes Act 1983 applies or under a tenancy or any other agreement.
- "you" and "your" refers to the homeowner or other occupier of a park home.
- "we" and "our" refers to the park owner.
None of the rules is to have retrospective effect. Accordingly:
- They are to apply only from the date on which they take effect, which is 16 October 2014
- No occupier who is in occupation on that date will be treated as being in breach due to circumstances which were in existence on that date which would not have been a breach of the rules in existence before that date.
The Units
No external alterations or additions to the pitch are permitted without the prior written permission of the Park owner.
Condition of the Pitch
- Gardens must be kept neat and tidy and vegetables may only be grown in back gardens. Occupiers are warned that growing vegetables increases risk of attracting vermin.
- Washing lines are permitted in back gardens but occupiers are asked not to leave washing out longer than necessary.
- Occupiers must ensure that fences surrounding their plot are kept in good repair at all times. The cost of repair/replacement of a joint boundary fence should be shared between the neighbouring occupiers.
- Occupiers whose homes border the Park are responsible for trimming any hedges, shrubs etc. that border their gardens.
- Bonfires including incinerators, are not permitted at any time.
- Barbecues are permitted but the following safety rules should be followed:
- Ensure the barbecue is on a flat site, well away from a shed, trees or shrubs and not be left unattended.
- Keep children, garden games and pets well away from the cooking area.
- A fire extinguisher or water should be readily accessible.
Neighbours must also be considered as cooking smells may invade their homes. Occupiers must also inform their neighbours if they intend to have a barbecue and will bear individual responsibility in case the fire spreads.
- Inflammable substances must not be stored under homes at any time and should only be kept in reasonable quantities.
- Explosive substances must not be kept on the Park at any time.
- Access to homes must not be obstructed at any time and litter must not be allowed to accumulate on pitches.
Notice Board
No documents must be defaced. No documents must be removed by anyone other than authorised persons. Many documents are displayed as required by the site licensing authority. Occupiers should check the notice board at regular intervals for information.
- The Occupiers are responsible for the disposal of all household and garden waste in the approved containers supplied by the local authority. Containers must be used correctly and not overfilled or the authority will not empty them. Containers should be put out of sight from the road once they have been emptied.
- Matter likely to clog drains must be disposed of responsibly. Wipes, sanitary towels and· disposable nappies must not be put down toilets. The cost of unblocking drainage as a result of such actions will be charged to the occupiers.
- The disposal of any refuse on any part of the site owner's land or on the land bordering the motorway is strictly prohibited.
- If you wash out your dustbins the waste must be emptied in the occupier's own garden and not down drains or elsewhere on the park.
- The Park is for retired and semi-retired persons of fifty years and over with the exception of the park owner and his family.
- Carers required for health reasons are permitted to stay for unlimited periods.
This is a pet friendly park and cats, dogs and birds (other than any of the breeds subject to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991as well as animals covered by the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 which are not permitted at all) are permitted on the site. Current homeowners will be allowed to keep their current number of pets but new homeowners will be allowed not more than one cat, dog or bird. Nothing in rule 6 of these Park Rules prevents you from keeping an assistance dog if this is required to support your disability and Assistance Dogs UK or any successor body has issued you with an identification Book or other appropriate evidence.
- Dogs must be kept on a lead when on the Park and not be allowed to foul the roads. Any fouling must be cleared/cleaned by the dog's owner immediately. Dogs must not cause a nuisance to other occupiers by excessive barking or in any other way.
- Cats must be neutered.
- All vehicles must be driven carefully at all times and observe the speed limit of 10 mph.
- Vehicles must only be parked on designated parking bays. Occupiers are responsible for informing their visitors, contractors and tradesman of the parking restrictions.
- Parking on the roads is limited to loading and unloading. Extended parking of a vehicle partly or wholly on the roads is not permitted as access is required for emergency vehicles. If vehicles are continually left on the road this will be logged and the occupier will subsequently be served with a notice of breach.
- Only one car can be parked by each home unless written permission is given by the licensing authority.
- Vehicles must have a valid road tax and insurance and drivers must hold a current full driving licence.
- Unused vehicles must be removed from the Park. The site owner reserves the right to remove any vehicle which has apparently been abandoned without prior consent of the vehicle owner.
- Major vehicle repairs are not permitted on the Park.
- No Commercial vans currently owned/used by occupiers excluding delivery vans will be allowed to park on the site.
- Occupiers are not permitted to use sprinklers, but hand held hose-pipes with a gun type attachment are permitted. Occupiers are also encouraged to use water butts.
- The water rates will be divided equally between the total number of homes on the Park. Water rates are still payable even if the property is empty.
- Occupiers are required to ensure external water pipes are suitably lagged as burst pipes may cause a safety issue on the roads.
Vacant Pitches
Access is not permitted to vacant pitches or to any building materials stored there.
Children must be supervised when on the park for safety reasons, especially when on the roads.
For reasons of ventilation and safety you must not use the space under the homes for storage of any kind.
Leisure & Entertaining
You are welcome to have parties to celebrate special occasions but are asked to consider your neighbours and control noise levels especially if using the garden. Outside parties should cease by 10.00pm and be indoors by 11.00pm. Please ask your visitors to leave quietly.
- Firearms and offensive weapons of any description must not be used on the park and may only be kept with the appropriate licence and they are securely stored in accordance with that licence.
- Occupiers are responsible for making their visitors aware of the rules and ask them to respect others while visiting the Park.
- It is advised that any disputes between occupiers be referred to the Residents Association in the first instance for resolving before approaching the site owner.
- Woodlands Park Homes Residents' Association (formerly known as Heath Lodge Residents' Association) has been recognised by the site owner. The site owner has the right to derecognise any successor Association.
Park Home Living Disclaimer:
Park rules have been downloaded from the relevant licensing authority and were correct at the time of publishing. Uploaded Date: 27th July 2021
Licensing Authority
North Hertfordshire District Council
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