Manor House Park
Retford, Nottinghamshire These details were last updated on 17th January 2025Manor House Park is a pet friendly residential park home estate for the over 45's. Interested? Please mention Park Home Living when giving them a call.
Manor House Park | Park Rules
Park Rules for Manor House Park
The following rules of Occupation are for the good management of the Park Home Development and the benefit of all who use the Park. Where Agreements for the occupation of Park Home pitches are entered into these rules form pan of the Agreement
- No person under the age of 45 can live on the park permanently. Any person under the age of 16 is not allowed to stay on park for a period exceeding 14 days.
- If you require to alter your pitch or home written consent must be obtained first
- i) Only homes of proprietary manufacture which conform to the definitions contained in the Caravan Sites Act 1968 and the Mobile Homes Act 1975 and 1983 Act are accepted.
ii) The Home must be kept in sound and clean condition; decoration and external colour must be maintained to satisfaction of the owner. Wheels must not be removed, not the Home re-positioned without permission. No external alteration of or addition to a Home or pitch is permitted without prior written approval of the Owner. No alteration of external colour is permitted without permission.
- The Occupier is responsible for the cleanliness of the pitch. For reasons of ventilation and safety he must also keep the area underneath his home clear. This is not a storage area.
- The Home may be used by the Occupier and members of his permanent household and bonafide guests only (and any event for the occupation of such number of persons as shall not exceed the manufacturer's specified number of berths). No subletting or lodgers.
- Occupiers are responsible for ensuring that both electric and gas installations and appliances comply at all times with the requirements of the Institution of Electrical Engineers and/or other appropriate authorities.
- The Occupier must not permit waste water to be discharged onto the ground.
- The Occupier must ensure that all household refuse Is deposited in approved containers which must not be overfilled. Under no circumstances are bonfires to be lit in or out of dustbins
- Musical instruments, record players, radios, other appliances and motor vehicles must not be used to cause nuisance to others, especially between the hours of 10.30pm and 8.00am.
- All vehicles must be driven carefully on the park not exceeding the speed of 5mph. Vehicles must keep to authorised parking spaces and to the roads, which must not be obstructed. Vehicles must be taxed and insured as required by law and drivers must hold a current driving license and insurance. Disused vehicles must be removed from the park. You must not park commercial vehicles of any sort, including light commercial or fight goods vehicles as described in the vehicle taxation legislation on the perk.
- Storage sheds, fuel bunkers or other structures are only permitted with the approval of the Owner and where permitted must be of a design and size approved by the Owner. Metal shed only. You must ensure that any structure erected in the separation space between park homes is of non-combustable construction and positioned so as to comply with the parks site licence conditions and fire safety requirements.
- Private gardens, where permitted, must be kept neat and tidy. The planting of trees is subject to the Owner's prior approval of types and position. TREES AND SHRUBS MAY NOT BE CUT DOWN, REMOVED OR DAMAGED and gardens will be left intact when the Occupier vacates the pitch. An Open plan effect must be maintained.
- You must not keep any pets or animals except the following:
i) Not more than 2 dogs(other than any of the breeds subject to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.) You must keep any dog under proper control and you must not permit it to frighten other users of the park. You must keep your dog on a leash not exceeding 1m in length and must not allow it to despoil the park.
ii) Not more than 2 domestic cats. You must keep any cat under proper control and not allow it to frighten other users to the park, or to despoil the park.
iii) Not more than 2 budgerigars which you must keep within the park home. No outdoor aviary is allowed.
- The Occupier is responsible for the conduct of children in his/her custody and of visitors.
- It is forbidden to carry offensive weapons, or other objects likely to give offence on the Park, or to interfere with or disturb any flora or fauna on the park.
- Everyone using the Park is required to comply with the regulations of the site license, water authority or any other Statutory Authority
- Access is not permitted to vacant pitches. Building materials or other plant must not be disturbed.
- You must not use the park home, the pitch or the park (or any part of the park) for any business purpose, and you must not use the park home or the pitch for the storage of stock, plant, machinery or equipment used or last used for any business purpose. however you are at liberty to work individually from home by carrying out any office work of a type which does not create a nuisance to other occupiers end does not involve other staff, other workers, customers or members of the public calling at the park home or the park.
- The park owners are responsible for the condition of (a) water pipes up to and including stop cocks to their Mobile Homes; (b) all electrical cable and trips up to electricity meter; (c) all waste water and sewerage pipes to ground level.
- Vehicles, mobile homes and people are admitted on to the park on the condition that the Company shall not be liable to loss or damage to any person or property of any descriptions whatsoever.
- All visitors must use the Visitor's Car Park. If these are full then the cars must be parked on the main road at the entrance to the park (not blocking the entrance).
- No parking on the road in the park.
- The storage of boats, touring caravans etc is not permitted on the residential park.
- No signs, notices or placards may be placed on, in or fixed to the Home, pitch or the Park without the Owner's prior written consent.
- Out of consideration for other residents, no trailer or dustbin should be allowed to remain on the frontage of the home in view from the road.
- The company reserves the right to give notice to a resident in any of the following events:
i) If the standard of the residents mobile home does not comply with
a) The relevant British Standards for construction
b) The standards set by the Company for appearance.
ii) Any breach of non-compliance on the part of the resident of these rules
In the case of residents vacating their mobile Homes, a disconnection charge will be made in the sum of £250. As at (01.08.2007). This may be raised without prior notice. This fee will cover the cost of disconnection and sealing of services, but will not, of course cover the cost of towing away. The charge will not be made if the Mobile Home is removed at the request of the Company.
Park Home Living Disclaimer:
Park rules have been downloaded from the relevant licensing authority and were correct at the time of publishing. Uploaded Date: 25th June 2021
Licensing Authority
Bassetlaw District Council
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