Mill Garth Park
York, North Yorkshire These details were last updated on 9th August 2023Mill Garth Park is a residential park home estate in York, North Yorkshire currently showing on Park Home Living as a complimentary entry with a contact telephone number.
Mill Garth Park | Park Rules
Mill Garth Park Rules
Amendment F
These rules are in place to ensure acceptable standards are maintained on the park, which will be of general benefit to occupiers, and to promote and maintain community cohesion. They form part of the Agreement by which homeowners occupy the pitch in accordance with the Mobile Homes Act 1983, as amended.
Residency, Age of Occupants and Visitors
1) All residents of homes on the park must be retired or semi-retired and at least one of the residents named on the Park Home Agreement 'Written Statement' must be over 50 years of age. No children are permitted to reside on the park.
2) Only the persons named on the Written Statement for each home on the park are permitted to reside on the park.
3) Family and friends of those named on the Written Statement for each home on the park are permitted to stay as visitors. However the residents are restricted to allowing persons under the age of 21 years to stay a maximum total of 7 nights in any one calendar month (i.e. for the remainder of the month no persons under 21 years of age are permitted to stay in the home). The residents are responsible for all visitors and must ensure that they comply with all the park rules.
4) Subletting or rental of the park home is not permitted.
5) Homes are for residential occupancy only, holiday use is not permitted.
Location and Standard of Park Homes
6) The park owner has the sole right to site homes on the park. All residents shall occupy the pitch indicated in the Written Statement for their park home and must not trespass on other pitches or encroach on a neighbour's pitch. Should the park owner reasonably require for the purpose of maintaining the pitch on which a park home is situated in circumstances where the maintenance cannot otherwise be performed, then on giving at least seven days' prior written notice to a resident the park owner may temporarily relocate his/her park home to another pitch on the site and in doing so will cause as little damage and inconvenience as possible to the park home and pitch and will make good at the park owner's expense any damage so caused.
7) Only homes that comply with the current British Standard for residential park homes and caravans (BS 3632 as amended from time to time) and are either timber clad, or 'Canexel' clad in a natural (i.e. brown) woodgrain effect, or clad in another similar wood effect material that is commonly used in the manufacture of residential park homes and caravans such as 'extruder wood' in a natural timber colour, will be permitted on the park.
Alterations, Improvements and Maintenance to Park Homes
8) NO external alteration or addition to the home or pitch is permitted without prior written approval from the park owner, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The front lawn to each plot must not be removed.
9) Residents are responsible for the maintenance and cleanliness of their park home and its surroundings. The area underneath the home must be kept clear. Only timber decking will be permitted, which must be maintained and treated with preservative on a regular basis, the colour of the decking must not be changed and the park owner must approve any preservative product used, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
10) The external cladding of the park home and the storage shed on the pitch must be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the original colour of the timber cladding must not be changed.
11) The planting of trees and shrubs on individual park home pitches is subject to the park owner's approval as to variety and position, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Any existing or approved trees and shrubs must not be allowed to grow to a size or shape that would interfere with a neighbour's pitch. Existing trees, shrubs and boundary hedges must not be trimmed, cut down, or removed without the approval of the park owner, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Vegetables will only be permitted to be grown in the border area of the garden to the rear of the homeowners plot (i.e. not at the front of the lodge or at the side of the paved driveway, or on the lawned area).
12) Outdoor garden features such as water features and bird feeders will be permitted on park home pitches, such features to be of a type and in a location approved by the park owner, and such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Garden ornaments such as gnomes, windmills, animals, statues, artificial plants and flowers, etc are strictly not permitted.
13) The boundary fences to each pitch must not be interfered with in any way. Maintenance of all boundary fences is the responsibility of the park owner. No other fences, hedges or means of enclosure to the boundary of the pitch will be permitted, save for an enclosure of the garden area from the paved parking area on each pitch- The park owner must first approve the style, construction and height of the means of enclosure, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
14) A fire extinguisher and fire blanket, both of which must confirm to the relevant British Standard, must be installed in the park home.
15) All electrical installations in the park home must comply with the current Institute of Electrical Engineers wiring regulation requirements- Any electrical work carried out in the park home must be undertaken by a professionally qualified person.
16) External fires on the pitch, including incinerators are strictly not permitted.
17) All refuse must be placed in the refuse and recycling bins provided, all bins should be kept on the paved area to the rear of the home. Refuse and recycling bins must be brought out to the required collection point on the morning of collection and returned to the designated storage area as soon as possible after collection. They must not be left out for longer than 24 hours.
18) In addition to the storage shed provided by the park on each pitch, only one extra storage shed will be permitted on each pitch, the location, size and type of which is subject to the approval of the park owner, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Furthermore the size, construction and location of the storage shed may be subject to local authority planning approval and must comply with local fire authority requirements. Greenhouses of a size not exceeding 6'x4' and constructed of non-combustible materials will only be permitted on each pitch in appropriate locations and with the approval of the park owner, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The location of storage sheds and greenhouses on each pitch must not be changed.
19) The erection of any other structures on each pitch, whether permanent or temporary, is prohibited, save that a gazebo of a size not exceeding 3mx3m may be erected on each pitch, such gazebos to be packed away and stored overnight and not cause any nuisance or interference with a neighbours' pitch
20) The storage of any items or materials on the driveway, garden area and decking of each pitch is prohibited, except for outdoor furniture (chairs, table, sun umbrella) and barbecues. All other items must be stored in the storage shed provided by the park owner at the rear of each pitch.
21)No inflammable or explosive substances may be kept in the park home, storage shed, greenhouse or on the pitch, except in quantities for reasonable domestic use.
22) No guns, firearms, catapults or offensive and dangerous weapons of any type can be used on the park and must only be kept on the park with an appropriate and valid sporting licence.
23) Residents shall at all times conduct themselves with due regard to their neighbours. Musical instruments, television sets, radios, music systems of any type, and any other mechanical appliance must not be used so as to cause nuisance to other residents, especially between the hours of 10.00pm and 8.00am.
24) Visiting children are not permitted to play ball games, ride bicycles (other than for arriving at or departing from the park), use skateboards etc or engage in other similar activities, which would cause nuisance or be of annoyance to residents.
25) Only one rotary type clothes drier is permitted at the back of the pitch, either fixed to the wall or located on the paved area. When not in use it must be in the closed position.
26) So far as is permitted by law, the park owner does not accept any liability whatsoever for loss or damage to residents' property, including the park homes on the park, their family or any visitor to the park. The park home owner must insure the park home particularly in respect of public liability.
27) Flags, banners, advertising boards, signs, etc are not permitted on the park home pitches, save for only one 'properly for sate' type sign per pitch when appropriate.
Business Activities
28) No commercial enterprise or business activity of any kind may take place on the park.
29) You must not keep any pet or animal at your park home or on your pitch save for any dog, cat, tortoise or caged bird kept inside the home, which you own and resides at your park home at the date of implementation of these rules and save that a new homeowner may come onto the park with not more than 2 pets limited to dogs, cats, tortoises or caged birds kept inside the home (other than a dog of any of the breeds subject to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991) which they own and may keep for as long as they wish. No homeowners shall be permitted to replace their pets or acquire other pets. All pets must be kept under proper control so as not to cause nuisance to other residents. Dogs must be kept on a short leash and exercised off the park, and must be housed within the owners home. Any fouling of the park (including the residents own pitch) must be cleaned up by the pet owner. Cats must be housed within the owner's home, and where reasonably possible they must not be permitted to roam freely around the park and cause a nuisance to other residents.
30) Nothing in rule 29 of these park rules prevents you from keeping an assistance dog if this is required to support your disability and Assistance Dog UK or any successor body has issued you with an identification book or other appropriate evidence.
Motor Vehicles
31 ) Residents and visitors are only permitted to each drive and park private motor cars and motor bikes on the park, such motor cars and motor bikes to be parked in the designated visitor parking spaces and on the driveway of the resident's pitch.
32) Commercial vehicles are not permitted on the park save for commercial vehicles carrying out normal day to day delivery of goods and services.
33) Residents, visitors and other permitted entrants shall bring vehicles onto the park at their own risk.
34) All vehicles on the park must be taxed and insured as required by law (Road Traffic Act 1960) and be kept in a roadworthy and tidy condition.
35) All vehicles on the park must be driven carefully and priority must be given to pedestrians. The speed limit of 10mph must not be exceeded.
36) Parking on the roads on the park is strictly prohibited.
37) Disused or unroadworthy vehicles must be removed from the park.
38) The storage of caravans, motor caravans, trailers, boats or any other similar item on the park is strictly prohibited, save that caravan and motor caravans may be left on the park for 24 hours at each of the start and end of a resident's holiday, for the purpose of loading and unloading only.
39) Drivers of all vehicles on the park must hold a valid driving licence and insurance. Learner drivers are strictly not permitted on the park unless under the supervision of a qualified driving instructor.
40) No major repairs are permitted on the park. Motor oils, fuels and other such liquids must be disposed of in an approved manner and must not be discharged into any drains, or onto any roadway, parking area, or land.
Park Home Living Disclaimer:
Park rules have been downloaded from the relevant licensing authority and were correct at the time of publishing. Uploaded Date 30th October 2020
Licensing Authority
City of York Council
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