Park Rules for Silent Woman Park
November 2014
These rules are in place to ensure acceptable standards are maintained on the park, which will be of general benefit to occupiers, and to promote and maintain community cohesion. They form part of the Agreement by which homeowners occupy the pitch in accordance with the Mobile Homes Act 1983, as amended.
The term “Occupant(s)” refers to anyone occupying a park home, whether under an Agreement to which the Mobile Homes Act 1983 applies or under a tenancy or any other agreement.
Business Activities
No business or trade or profession may be exercised or carried on within the Park with the exception of work of an administrative nature providing that it does not cause a nuisance to other occupiers and does not involve other staff. The overhaul and repair of vehicles for resale is regarded as a business.
Cars and Parking
All vehicles must be parked within the permitted parking spaces on the park. Those pitches that include an appropriate space for the parking of a car must be properly prepared with a suitable hard standing. Only one car can be parked on a pitch at any one time. All cars/vehicles must be roadworthy with the relevant road licence and insurance. Motor Homes and Touring caravans cannot be parked or allowed to be parked on the Park either in individual pitches or in the common parking areas.
Other than for delivering goods and services, you must not park or allow parking of commercial vehicles of any sort on the park including light commercial or light goods vehicles as described in the vehicle taxation legislation and vehicles intended for domestic use but derived from or adapted from such a commercial vehicle.
The Occupant is responsible for the cleanliness and general tidiness of the pitch and its surroundings. Particular attention must be paid to the area underneath the Home, which must be kept clear and not used as storage space for reasons of ventilation and safety.
Occupants must comply with Fire Prevention Instructions displayed or issued from time to time. It’s recommended that a suitable fire extinguisher must be kept for your mobile home and all residents on the Park should familiarise themselves with the position of the park extinguishers and alarms.
External fires are forbidden including incinerators
Those Occupants with stove type facilities should ensure that suitable coals are used in order to minimise sparks and that the chimney and cowl of the home are kept in good repair.
It’s recommended that all electrical installations and appliances within your home should comply with the relevant laws and safety requirements.
Letter Box
All Occupants must provide an accessible numbered letterbox
Waste Water
Occupants must not permit wastewater to be discharged on the ground anywhere.
Strict attention to sanitary detail is imperative to minimise the chance of problems in the drainage system. The facilities must not be misused in any way. As a guideline, only items that have been consumed should be introduced to the drainage system. Where possible, eco-friendly cleaning agents should be used.
Refuse Disposal
Occupants are responsible for the disposal of household refuse seeing it is placed in containers and made ready for collection as directed by the Local Authority and the collecting contractor. The dumping of Garden Refuse or any other waste anywhere within the Park is strictly forbidden. All such matter must be removed to the local Civic Amenity site.
The Park Owners will accept no liability whatever for the loss or damage to the property of the Occupant or any member of his/her family, or visitor to the Park unless arising from their own negligence or other breach of duty.
Strict control of musical instruments, televisions, all forms of recorded music players, radios and other similar appliances so as not to cause a nuisance to other occupants must be observed between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.
Traffic Control
All vehicles must be driven with great care whilst on the Park, keeping to the roads and designated parking places. The maximum speed is 5 mph.
Temporary Buildings
No temporary buildings of any kind are allowed, with the exception that Occupants are entitled to one storage shed which must be positioned so that it complies with the park’s site licence and fire safety requirements. Any shed must be non-combustible.
Trees and Shrubs
No trees shall be planted, cut down, removed or damaged so as to maintain the general pleasantness of the park.
Suitable drying lines are provided for washing on the Park Drying Area and must be used accordingly. It may be possible for Occupants to use their own drying line where sufficient space is available to the rear or the side of the home. Lines should not encroach on a neighbours pitch or be positioned to the front of the home nearest the road.
No change of pitch, including repositioning and expanding the pitch past its existing boundary can be made without the agreement of the Park Owners.
Sub-letting is not permitted.
Fences and Pitch Boundaries
The Occupant is required to erect a fence on the boundary line (subject to the paragraph below) and to ensure that any plant growth does not obstruct the pathways and roadways by protruding beyond the boundaries of his/her pitch.
Only fences which do not exceed 4ft in height are permitted and must be positioned so as to comply with the park’s site licence conditions and fire safety requirements
You must not keep any pets or animals except the following:
Not more than ONE dog (other than any of the breeds subject to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 which are not permitted at all). You must keep any dog under proper control and you must not permit it to frighten other users of the park. You must keep any dog on a leash not exceeding 1 metre in length and you must not allow it to despoil the park or your pitch. Dogs must be exercised off the park and its surrounding land. Or in the designated walking area, where occupants are required to clear up any issue and dispose of it away from the park.
Not more than ONE domestic cat. You must keep any cat under proper control and must not permit it to frighten other users of the park or despoil the park.
Any pet that is confined to the park home only which is housed in a cage, aquarium or similar is permitted by limited to one in number and must remain at all times within the home.
Nothing in this rule about dogs prevents you from keeping an assistance dog if this is required to support your disability and Assistance Dogs UK or any successor body has issued you with an Identification Book or any other appropriate evidence.
Children are not permitted to reside on the Park. Children may of course visit on holidays and Occupants should ensure that during such visits the children play on the playing field provided or the garden of the homeowner so as not to cause a nuisance to other Occupants by playing outside Park Homes. In the interests of health and safety, children should not play in the car park area, roads and around the toilet block.
Age of Occupants
The Park is for persons 45 years and over. No person under the age of 45 years may reside in the park home unless in the case of a couple living together as husband and wife want to move onto the Park at least one occupant must achieve this criterion.
You must not use or display guns, firearms and offensive weapons (including archery equipment and crossbows) on the park and you may only keep them on the pitch or in your home if you hold the appropriate licence and they are stored in accordance with that licence.
Park Home Living Disclaimer:
Park rules have been downloaded from the relevant licensing authority and were correct at the time of publishing. Uploaded Date: 22nd June 2021