Frogmore Home Park
St. Albans, Hertfordshire These details were last updated on 7th November 2023Frogmore Home Park is a residential park home estate in St. Albans, Hertfordshire currently showing on Park Home Living as a complimentary entry with a contact telephone number.
Frogmore Home Park | Park Rules
Mobile Homes (Site Rules) (England) Regulations 2014
Mobile Homes Act 1983, as amended by the Mobile Homes Act 2013
Rules for all Residents of Frogmore Park Homes Ltd.
Amended 12th September 2019
- Wheels must not be removed from Homes or Homes repositioned without written approval. Structural alterations or extensions are not to be carried out without notifying the Board. All alterations etc. to have planning consent from the Council and Environmental departments.
- Environmental Regulations. Erection of wooden sheds between homes is not allowed under the Mobile Homes Act. You must ensure that any shed erected is of non-combustible construction and positioned 3mtrs from Boundary fence to comply with the park’s site licence conditions and fire safety requirements.
- Residents are responsible for ensuring that gas and electrical appliances of the Home always comply with the requirements of the appropriate bodies
- Water must not be wasted. All leaks to be repaired as quickly as possible. The use of hose pipes to be paid for at rates decided by the Board.
- Not allow anything which is or becomes a nuisance, inconvenience or disturbance to other occupiers on the park. Noise is a source of annoyance, it is understood that residents may wish to celebrate a special event but please ensure any noise is kept to a minimum at all times and cease at 11pm.
- Cars, or any other type of vehicle are allowed to park one only between each Home in accordance with the 1989 Mobile Homes Act. Other than for delivering goods and service all Commercial Vehicles to be parked in car park. If there is no vacant space beside home then visitors must use the car park.
Repairs to vehicles are not allowed beside homes. Any repairs to be undertaken in the car park. Vehicles are not allowed to park on the road, or the Green. If a contractor needs to park on the Green for home repairs etc. the Board must be notified. Untaxed or uninsured vehicles on the park or in the car park are to be removed after one month unless agreed otherwise by the Board.
- No commercial business or enterprise to be operated from the Park without consent of the Board
- Electric meters are read and billed, monthly. Please pay promptly as failure to could result in the Board having to disconnect the service.
- Large items are not to be flushed down the toilet, e.g.: disposable nappies/wipes or sanitary wear as they can cause a blockage or seize up the pumps resulting in an unnecessary bill for repair.
- Pets are not encouraged on the Park but at the Boards discretion one small dog or a cat could be permitted. Where a dog is allowed, a fence of approved design must be erected to contain the animal and outside of the home on the Park it must be kept on a lead at all times. Fouling to be cleared up by the owner at time of deposit. Dogs to be kept off of and prevented from urinating on green and flower beds. Also to cause no inconvenience of disturbance or nuisance to other park occupiers.
- A one-way system is in operation which is to be kept to. Emergency’s accepted. Off-loading of shopping does not constitute a blockage? Speed to be kept to 5mph as we have children and elderly people on the Park. Pedestrians have right of way.
- Home owners must maintain the outside of their Park home in a clean and tidy condition. Gardens must also be kept in a tidy condition. Grass to be kept cut short, as long grass can be a fire risk in dry conditions. No flammable rubbish to be kept in between homes as it is also a fire risk Failure to do so could result in the Company, as is their right to do so under the Mobile Homes Act, engage a contractor to clear up and charge the resident with the cost thereof. Bonfires are not permitted.
- The Home to be insured with a recognised insurer and a copy of Insurance to be given to the Company each year On renewal.
- Any new fences installed need to comply with the Model Standard of 1 metre high, but if replacing an old wooden 6ft fence it must be of non-combustible i.e. plastic or metal, and must not exceed 6ft including any trellis if desired.
- New Purchasers of Homes to be over 50 years old.
Household Refuse. To be put in black bags and then in to the black bins in the collection compound. Other large household items etc. and Cardboard boxes are not to be put in compound. These are to be taken down to a disposal centre personally or contact the Council for a special collection. Anyone found not abiding by this would be deemed to be in Breach of his or her Agreements. All rubbish bags are to be kept behind the fence line of shareholders allocated plot until taken to the refuse compound.
Green Bins to be used for Garden waste only, and to be placed in compound on same day as recycle bins are collected. Recycle bins are placed in compound for collection by local authority every two weeks on a Friday.
Recycle bins are for tins plastic etc. no paper The orange bags are for paper. The orange bags can be put into the recycle bin separately for collection on the same day.
These rule are for the smooth operation of the park and if all residents adhere to them there should be no problems.
The Board of Directors.
Park Home Living Disclaimer:
Park rules have been downloaded from the relevant licensing authority and were correct at the time of publishing. Uploaded Date: 21st August 2023
Licensing Authority
St Albans City & District Council
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